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enragedcactus t1_iw33sdw wrote

Right. And who did they look to for inspiration for the law? Maybe the only state with the law in place?

This is like saying that Colorado legalizing weed didn’t have much of an impact and it was NY legalizing that actually changed things.


[deleted] t1_iw3b5ge wrote



enragedcactus t1_iw4ujoj wrote

You’re changing what I was saying and you’re right about what you’re saying.

I said Colorado started the ripple effect, not NY. My proof is that NY and CA passed laws a year AFTER Colorado passed theirs and saw success. There is no doubt that NYC’s will have a larger effect.

Since an enormous amount of writers live in Brooklyn there tends to be a bias in media with regards to the amount of focus NY gets and the center of the country often gets ignored.