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AsslessBaboon OP t1_iwtr3kt wrote

Cheers for sharing this mate. Got round to reading them all first thing this morning.

Thoroughly conflicted If i should even leave the post up coz he's clearly not trustworthy, but on the other hand his ego and dodgy ambitions to be seen as a "philanthropic king" might align with Ukraine's need for infrastructure after all the damage from Russia.


GimmeThatHotGoss t1_iwui2ug wrote

>Thoroughly conflicted If i should even leave the post up coz he's clearly not trustworthy, but on the other hand his ego and dodgy ambitions to be seen as a "philanthropic king" might align with Ukraine's need for infrastructure after all the damage from Russia.

I think a heavy dose of skepticism is needed in these situations. I don't think he's going to steal from the fund or anything sinister like that - but i've seen a lot of people get hurt by his broken promises along the way. These guys like to show up at Davos with something to say and some swagger in their step. It's billionaire dick swinging. Enough people know this that I don't think its going to harm Ukraine in any - but at the same time I've learnt not put in trust in these fuckers.