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Ritehandwingman t1_iws75rt wrote

The man was alive if you’re like me when you read the title.


MRmandato t1_iwtfl57 wrote

I assumed he wasn’t until I read the sub Reddit this was on


In1piece t1_iwus9qx wrote

Missing hunter found alive by dog :)

Then immediately mauled :(


Taiza67 t1_iwvgaof wrote

With kisses :)

Of death by vicious canines :(


CarlosFer2201 t1_iwut4rz wrote

Mauled as in got face painted like Darth Maul.

Paint is lead based.


Ce11arDoor t1_iwu1a1g wrote

I read the title then I read the sub and i was like oh, then I was like OH!


tretower424 t1_iwtimkc wrote

Whew...Thanks. That image was not how I wanted to end my day.


daytodaze t1_iwweu4e wrote

This really needed to make it into the title


OHTHNAP t1_iwubqkx wrote

The man was alive, like you are, if we're alive like you, when we read the title?


SandMan3914 t1_iwta0u9 wrote

It should be mandatory when AP reports news like this that they also include a picture of the dog


MattVibes t1_iwuq6y0 wrote

And also the small detail of wether the man was actually alive (in the title)


SummerLover69 t1_iwuqi8h wrote

Yeah but this dog might also work undercover narcotics so they don’t want to blow his cover.


Neryll t1_iwu8w5v wrote

> An 80-year-old Michigan hunter who got lost and repeatedly fell into a river was rescued ...

Surely they mean reportedly.

> The hunter was unharmed, but cold and wet due to falling into the river three times, police said.

Oh God, that poor man.


thischocolateburrito t1_iwuq6dm wrote

Still, a man of his age surviving ONE fall into a river is damn impressive. This guy did it three times! He may be blind but that old man is hale as shit.


truemcgoo t1_iwv4eyo wrote

It was pretty damn cold this weekend too. I was hunting an area less than twenty miles from where this happened, although I didn’t hear about it at the time. It was mid twenties overnight with heavy snow at times and mild wind. Definitely bad conditions for being soaking wet and a mile from shelter.


KRossKoWolf t1_iws2a8u wrote

Now that's a good boy, hope he got lots of treats for his hard work 😊


cuteseal t1_iwtpb2e wrote

> A State Police dog, Loki, then tracked the man to an area along the north branch of the Au Sable River about two-thirds of a mile from the hunter’s home.

Who’s a good boy?


Jtw1N t1_iwuumy8 wrote

I can't magine needing search And rescue less then a mile from your house. Might be time to stay out of the woods alone.


miggidymiggidy t1_iwu864d wrote

Hunting on his own in Michigan in November at 80? What a badass!


cabur84 t1_iwuzbv8 wrote

I just hope to be able to get outside when I’m 80, let alone full on hunting


HI_McDonnough t1_iwuh0tp wrote

I live near the AuSable. It has been in the 20s at night and that river is icy cold in the middle of summer. Surprised he survived, and what a misery that night must have been.


gamergirl007 t1_iwuvsa2 wrote

He was found because he had a system in place with his wife and she knew when to expect him and when it was time to call for help. Don’t ever go off in the woods without telling someone where you will be and creating a plan if you don’t return. Well done to everyone, especially the very good boy who found him!


2b-Kindly_ t1_iwsohvv wrote

Police K-9 unit Dogs are Amazing. Thank goodness for them. This is a very lucky to be person, just really Cold.



fuzzyzeller t1_iwtioq1 wrote

I mean if they can find my weed they should be able to find a lost person


FatherBucky t1_iwuizoh wrote

Really smart of him to know how to signal for help and that he was lost, and great that his wife knew the signal. Ends very differently otherwise.


iualumni12 t1_iwuvv95 wrote

My hunting partner of 25 years is now in his eighties. He refuses to quit and I refuse to leave him behind. But I worry constantly that something is going to happen to him while we are out there trying to get ducks.


dizzyhobo t1_iwtxpl9 wrote

We should replace cops with dogs. I'm not saying it would fix anything, Imagine being arrested by a pug!


navybluemanga t1_iwu0or7 wrote

Patrice O'niel voice

"If you go huntin'... and your eeiighty..." (shrungs).

Like what you hunting for; your dentures? Come on man.


President_Calhoun t1_iwulp3e wrote

>The hunter was unharmed, but cold and wet due to falling into the river three times, police said.

After the third time, he decided not to walk so close to the river.


CharcoalGreyWolf t1_iwvl3jf wrote

It’s dangerous to go alone.

When you’re 80.

So go with someone who can have your back.


AutoModerator t1_iwrz4cn wrote

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All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

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Nibbcnoble t1_iwueu5n wrote

The kinda cop everyone loves. whos a good boy


spencersalan t1_iwvg036 wrote

Wow a cop that’s actually doing their job. Bravo.


porkeddonkey t1_iwvpet2 wrote

Was the river attacking him? How do you fall in a river repeatedly?


SaltySamoyed t1_iwuobgk wrote

Where are the seething anti LE redditors now?


AbstractionsHB t1_iwtrmvc wrote

I mean, hopefully he stops murdering animals minding their own business. One just saved his life.



Yeah, hopefully he starts getting his meat from the grocery store where they don't harm animals. What a sicko!


cote112 t1_iwsiyoe wrote

So it wasn't a police cat? Hmm, interesting.

Apparently dogs are the best.


DeterminedThrowaway t1_iwtvq0j wrote

Police animal whose job isn't search and rescue doesn't do search and rescue, more at 11