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Imthorsballs t1_ix03kks wrote

I heard about her and listened to her music on NPR! Really happy for her.


dewpacs t1_ix04s2s wrote

Life begins at 90


OGPunkr t1_ix09xvw wrote

Hot damn! I'm a spring chicken in my 50's YAY!!!!


Elitesuxor t1_ix0d9r7 wrote

Good job! Don’t let the SSA hear about this though, I’d like to retire while I still have teeth…


FrazzledTurtle t1_ix0etl8 wrote

Good to know! I turn 45 today, and am going to start up guitar (again, after 27 years of playing no music) on Monday.


EthelMaePotterMertz t1_ix0harc wrote

Wow she could have gone to elementary school with Desi Arnaz. I feel like he'd be so happy for her. That's really really cool.


Doormancer t1_ix0hf6a wrote

She’s the Grammy of the Grammys.


bhp126 t1_ix0hvs2 wrote

I officially love this sub.


Burpreallyloud t1_ix0tg4c wrote

good - I was hoping she would get the recognition she deserves.


Adeno t1_ix0ukme wrote

The latest bloomer I've heard about. A few years ago, there was a 70 or 80 year old granny who suddenly took up painting for fun, and apparently she's so good her paintings regularly sell for thousands of dollars.


BarbequedYeti t1_ix0yzim wrote

Justin guitar, Marty music on YouTube, Rocksmith 2014(new version is iffy). r/guitar as well are a few I have used learning later in life over the past couple of years. Good luck and yes your fingers will hurt like hell.


Cat_Daddy79 t1_ix11vzm wrote

I'm listening now. Truly amazing.


pommeVerte t1_ix14mfa wrote

“It’s never too late” to be discovered for skills you’ve honed over the past 80 years.

My pedantic antics aside. I’m actually excited to listen to her stuff. I’m guessing it’s really good


NakedCameTheNude t1_ix14u56 wrote

I gotta say I'm glad to read this. Just read on a programming subreddit about a kid thinking he'd missed the coding boat at 15. Fifteen years old and he thinks it's too late to get into coding. This woman proves it's never, ever too late to go for it. :)


JANGO- t1_ix15lzu wrote

This is very wholesome


Brno_Mrmi t1_ix1cc5w wrote

And I'm here with 24 thinking my life is done...


buzz86us t1_ix1feeb wrote

Now she should EGOT before she dies


-_-k t1_ix1ijwm wrote

Wonderful. That's so refreshing to hear.


helenheck t1_ix1jnkl wrote

I just leased my first art studio. I’m 67.


hipperxc t1_ix1nw3s wrote

Wow. Incredible story


Papplenoose t1_ix1nxn3 wrote

Only if I can play bass, because I dont know how to play any of the other instruments.

I also dont know how to play bass, but that has never really been a prerequisite for being a bassist.


FrazzledTurtle t1_ix1s8ca wrote

Thanks! I remember my fingers hurting, but now I rock climb, which also hurts your fingers (and hands, and arms, and feet) so I'm okay with this 🤘But as long as I can pick up the guitar and shred one day, it will be worth it! 🎸🎸🔥🔥 And yes, I'm on r/guitar but lurking at the moment.


707Guy t1_ix1sl65 wrote

I’m 29 and always feel like Im far too old to make something of myself musically. This is quite inspiring.


FrazzledTurtle t1_ix1stmc wrote

Wow that's pedal porn! 😮 I'm afraid I won't be good enough for those for a while yet, but I'll keep it in mind. I'm still trying to figure out getting an extension for my JBL headphones to go into the amp so I don't kill my neighbors


superflippy t1_ix1tsks wrote

This has really given me hope. I’m middle aged & I’ve been writing songs my whole life, but I’ve rarely performed them. I mostly just sing them at home. Maybe it’s worth making the effort. Maybe there are people who would enjoy these songs. Maybe it’s not too late to put the songs out there.


gunter_grass t1_ix1unfp wrote

It's like we miss the Buena Vista social club


No-Diver6326 t1_ix249zv wrote

Hey, so another option I highly suggest is to use amp simulators. For $100 or less you can get a device called an audio interface which always you to plug your guitar in and then to your computer. Then you can put some headphones in the interface and have TONS of different virtual amps and pedals.


rjl682 t1_ix2mejn wrote

That's so awesome! I hope I'm alive and still have a purpose at that age.


rjl682 t1_ix2n3q3 wrote

Thanks homie, I wish I got more words of encouragement like that. You're right though, God willing, I will be significant into my golden years... and so shall you!


AsslessBaboon OP t1_ix2ncq6 wrote

I promise to remind you how the world needs you at least every couple of months. You got my word mate.

This baboon's word is his bond and I intend on keeping it that way. Cheers Guv


rjl682 t1_ix2nkqo wrote

Thank you! It's easy to feel lost and alone these days. Sometimes a compliment from a stranger is enough to pull you out of a low and you've done just that. I'll do my best to return the favor. Cheers bud


AsslessBaboon OP t1_ix2p4k7 wrote

We all need that reminder once in a while. Now you got me in you corner.

And even though it feels like you're alone, I can bet you there's a couple of people in your life who couldn't do without ya. You ain't alone mate❤


msxsnatcher t1_ix2pn4c wrote

Why an American can be an Afro-American, a Cuban-American, an Hispanic-American, a native-American... But not just an American?

By the way, there are no labels for white Americans


DevAstral t1_ix2ql31 wrote

I’ve given up music a bit before Covid because the little bit of career I could have had evaporated…

I’m 33 and I’ve been kinda broken since then, thinking it’s too late anyways. This gave me hope.

Thanks OP for the first really uplifting news I’ve seen on this sub since a very long time!


AsslessBaboon OP t1_ix2rkgv wrote

Any time mate. If you love it pursue it. It's never too late as long as you've got a beat in your jolly wonderful heart.

The world needs to hear your artistic expression. Am slightly older than you (mid 30) and I intend on going back to school, so why don't you and I make a pact

By next year same day, you gotta do at least 3 songs and I have to do at least 3 courses (that's the bare minimum). Deal?


CharlieHarz t1_ix2w90a wrote

She will be part of so many motivational post

Worried about not achieving your goals by 30? Here's our list of late bloomers.


BackwardPalindrome t1_ix34b48 wrote

You are literally at -8 karma 5 posts into a drop-down. You made a mistake. Don't just double down on it, apologize for misreading what was said, learn from the mistake, and move on.

Stop digging further down.


xojadefox t1_ix350yz wrote

That's so powerful. A true inspiration!


BackwardPalindrome t1_ix3802b wrote

Karma in a one on one interpersonal interaction is actually a pretty good measure of what the general consensus is on your opinion, at least among this site's active userbase.

You did make a mistake. You misread someone's intentions. You didn't do it on purpose, but it was still a mistake.

You are extremely defensive right now, and I'm sorry that things in your life are so bad it's pushing you to be this angry at people online.

Please practice self-love and care soon. You need it.


FrazzledTurtle t1_ixan50n wrote

I am on r/guitar now and oh my god, so much info and so many questions! I'm having fun. The first song I want to play seems like it's wayyyy, wayyy too hard for me rn. My guitar delivery got delayed till Tuesday the 23rd so I'll wait and see, because I thought I'd be picking at it by now.


FrazzledTurtle t1_ixanv0i wrote

And you're more patient, more mellow, and more willing to do anything for fun because you're old enough that you no longer care what anyone else thinks. It's a certain freedom. At least, that's the difference between me at 25 vs. 45. 65 or 75 is gonna be legendary.