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ThatGirl_Tasha t1_ixqvd2h wrote

I had a coydog who lived to be 22, but coyotes live a long time


1live4downvotes t1_ixrjzg0 wrote

had a pet mouse live like 5 years. I only later found out later that the "oldest" mouse recorded lived for 4 years. I'm sure there are countless other instances of pets living past what has been documented as the oldest, but no one really thinks to track these sort of things.


ar2991 t1_ixrtbwl wrote

Pretty sure that's Wormtail


1live4downvotes t1_ixrui0r wrote

nah dude, that is crazy. I mean yes this mouse was found at the murder site of my best friends parents... and yes one of the suspects was missing a finger which matches up with my pet mouse... but like... wait...


Phytor t1_ixrqjsh wrote

If it was a pet mouse you had as a kid, it's more likely that your parents were replacing the mouse when it died.


1live4downvotes t1_ixrssml wrote

nope had this dude when I was living on my own. Funny enough, my Dad is actually partially to blame for my mouse dying. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and asked him to simple: 1) make sure the food dish was full (my mouse was pretty good at not binging it's food, so you could just just leave enough food for 3/4 days at a time), and 2) make sure he didn't run out of water (my mouse had a tendency to pile up bedding where the water bottle was and it would drain it within a day). In practice, this meant he only had to stop by my apartment maybe 3/4 times but well it turns out he never did.

I came home to find no food, no water (the bedding had been piled up but at this point had dried out), but an alive pet. I have no idea how long he had been without food or water but he was noticeably stressed from the whole situation (had an anxiety problem where it would over groom to the point of getting bald spots) and passed away a few weeks later.


JohnOliverismysexgod t1_ixrwzlm wrote

What a sad story. I'm so sorry.


1live4downvotes t1_ixrxv8w wrote

yeah I was not happy to say the least... though my mouse had one foot in the grave for a while. I had been considering euthanizing him, so after he passed it was a bit of a relief.


calgil t1_ixsh6ha wrote

Your dad's a piece of shit.


Cyberpunkapostle t1_ixrryea wrote

I kept mice as a kid and never had one live longer than a year or so. They're great little fun pets though. Just don't get attached to them.


idbanthat t1_ixu3lyp wrote

When I was a kid, a friend had pet mice that had a whole mess of babies, and my guardian said I could have one. But when I went back to see them, the mom mouse had eaten them all....... Happened with her hamsters babies too... Whyyyyyyy were her animals eating their babies?!!!!


WhiteClifford t1_ixsxc7y wrote

My guinea pig made it to 9.

ETA: I know my parents didn't replace him because I raised him hand-fed, so he was super tame and sociable. I also taught him tricks.


ultimatepenguin21 t1_ixsvgbq wrote

I had a goldfish for about 5 years and that's not even that long compared to some other goldfish


Wartzba t1_ixs74bm wrote

Woah I have a coydog too, hes 7 but acts like a puppy still. hoping for another 15 years with the dude