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[deleted] t1_iy6i531 wrote

Ironic given how closely US prison labour resembles slavery.


Thespel t1_iy6n0gr wrote

"Maybe I don't want to be the bad guy anymore"


Independent-Site2572 t1_iy7ir78 wrote

They should pay their workers more than 86 cents per hour then


FLORI_DUH t1_iy9kz2n wrote

No problem, they'll just start charging for room and board and take it out of your increased pay


[deleted] t1_iy6m3tm wrote



[deleted] t1_iy6mgc4 wrote


Morbo_Doooooom t1_iy7qwde wrote

The ACLU wants them to have OT and unions? Gtfo here. Worker safety sure job training sure. But allowing a prison population to organize? Ya like that wont cause its own issues.

Also its hilarious to me that anytime the US does a good thing someone starts bitching about something else.

Other countries are exploiting free labor and grossly inhumane conditions from free citizens.

At least we work on ourselves and critique ourselves.


CantHideFromGoblins t1_iy88wdb wrote

> But allowing a prison population to organize? Ya like that wont cause its own issues.

Yeah I mean have you SEEN Australia?


Stats_n_PoliSci t1_iy6xqap wrote

Note the article never calls prison labor slavery.


[deleted] t1_iy6yomy wrote

No, it’s not. OP was talking about forced labour, which American prisons practice. What do you call it? In my country, forced labour falls under our slavery legislation.


[deleted] t1_iy6n83u wrote



[deleted] t1_iy6nl7b wrote

  1. I’m not American. 2. My point was to illustrate USA’s double standards in relation to human rights. 3. I’m actually fine with it, thanks.