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Bifferer t1_iy806jt wrote

Several years ago I read a story about another person in India that built small, simple dams across the drainage ditches. When it rains each dam would create a mini reservoir behind it and after the heavy rains, the water would remain there instead of running off. This would allow the aquifer below to recharge. I think they called these little reservoirs wadi- or something like that. All of this shows that small contributions can add up to big results!


BarbequedYeti t1_iy89t1l wrote

> All of this shows that small contributions can add up to big results

Totally agree. It’s so easy to overlook in this day of instant gratification we are living in a world built off of small victories achieved over 1000’s of years.


Zoomwafflez t1_iy96dnm wrote

I was watching a doc about a guy in Australia doing something similar, just making little 1-2 foot dirt ridges along his property perpendicular to the slope, tiny pools of water would build up behind each one and in just a few years all kind of trees and shrubs were growing along each ridge and the groundwater was being replenished.


dalumbr t1_iy9tcuq wrote


It's wild how this sort of thing isn't discussed more with so many issues being tied back to water scarcity and desertification


LiedAboutKnowingMe t1_iy9z5hm wrote

A lot of the people involved were pretty right adjacent in the beginning and when MAGA/Q came it bit a lot of permies. Paul Wheaton talking about women, queers, and libs was never pleasant but after MAGA came around I no longer wanted to hear his voice.

I have started finding new ways to talk about permaculture because now when I interact with people they often already have a negative connotation with that word.


Waste_Return_3038 t1_iyaerl4 wrote

The suggested videos when I first was learning about permaculture were very strange, I think you just explained it. Cheers 🤣


LiedAboutKnowingMe t1_iybvf74 wrote

Yes! The next video auto plays and suddenly I am watching Nazi Ken and Barbie who went to get back in touch with their aryan roots while doing their best to make sure white children won’t be outnumbered.

Like wow. I’m just here to learn about soil restoration with limited resource input.


CantHideFromGoblins t1_iyaj6d6 wrote

I once read this book about some climatologist who would plant these tiny grass saplings in the desert. But it was a super hot and arid desert with just loose sand. So he built this small metal plate on a stick that was super simple and he could mass produce in his garage. But anyways he’d plant the grass and bury the plate beneath it with only a tiny bit stick out. And the plate would get extremely hot during the day, but in the night it would retain the heat into the coldest part to let the grass survive. Then it would get cold so once the morning started again it would condense any moisture in the air that would then water the grass. They were self sufficient once in the ground so he just went wild planting them everywhere until the government had to intervene as it started damaging the wildlife that live inside the desert

He was also assassinated or something before his work was finished idk


TealSkies44 t1_iyar4b5 wrote

This is fascinating, do you remember the name of the book or any google-able search words I could use to try to find it?


CantHideFromGoblins t1_iyb9hjp wrote

There was a biography book called Dune, although it’s much more about this other guy trying to find a way to make the climatologists dream a reality and the politics of it since he was the son of some rich guy or something. I think they made the book into a documentary recently but they only covered the first half which annoyed a lot of people


practically_floored t1_iy98c0i wrote

Wadi means river or watercourse in Arabic. It shows up in a lot of place and river names, you notice it as "guada" in Spanish.


neekseni t1_iy9tb1b wrote

>Wadi means river or watercourse in Arabic.

Watercourse yes, as in water channel or riverbed, but river not really. The original meaning of the word is valley


practically_floored t1_iy9yqsi wrote

It's used a lot for dry riverbeds that become rivers during floods in places like the UAE. But in for example Spain it's used in names of actual rivers, for example Guadalquivir, Guadiana, Guadiaro etc


t00oldforthisshit t1_iyanda1 wrote

Like the connection between "cricks" and "hollers" in Appalachian American English


Mastercat12 t1_iy9rec0 wrote

A lot of mesopotamian aqueducts and dams wer destroyed by the mongols. This caused a lot of draughts and water eradication. If we water to stay in certain areas we have to build structures to help it. Water stays where there is a lot of water due to being a good heat sink. It takes a lot energy to boil and evaporate water. Water engineering can save regions and have hand over fist investments.


ibrakeforewoks t1_iy995u1 wrote

Restoring and preserving wetlands next to streams is essential. Like you said they soak up water during the wet season like a sponge and release it like a back into the stream system.


ominous_anonymous t1_iy9nki7 wrote

If you look up "water bunds" it is a very similar concept!

>Bunds are pits in the ground in the shape of a crescent moon

>Bunds are simple structures that have been used for thousands of years to keep a liquid in or out. In Kuku, southern Kenya, they have been used as a water management strategy to revive and regreen degraded land.


jmlinden7 t1_iy98r5f wrote

This isn't viable in many places though because the people downstream of you have a right to your runoff


Gschu54 t1_iy8k8u9 wrote

>instead of running off

Runoff to where. It's illegal to collect rainwater in the US for a reason. That water doesn't just disappear.

Stuff like this needs to be evaluated by civil and environmental engineers


AwesoMegan t1_iy8lc95 wrote

The point is that it's staying in a smaller area so it can drain slowly into the ground, instead of running off parched hydrophobic soil to a far away spot. It restores groundwater locally by slowing the drainage and allowing plants to grow there.

It's also not illegal to collect rainwater in many places there's just limits as to how much you can collect and store at once.


topcheesehead t1_iy8lzhw wrote

It's illegal to that but not this

Arizona is going through a historic drought and we are letting our public officials steal from the people of Arizona,Arabia%20to%20feed%20their%20cattle.


tekalon t1_iy8v99c wrote

Usually runoff to a nearby river, taking a lot of soil nutrients with it.

Many engineers know about it, the 'problem' is that it takes a lot of time, unused land and man/machine labor to build. If OP and I watched the same documentary, it took a whole village months to build these wadis in areas that weren't being used. Other places that similar techniques are being used on private land for those that are willing to spend the time to experiment based on the needs of that area.

In the US there are beaver relocation programs - beavers don't build wadis but they do build reservoirs and wetlands that give the same result. Same downsides. Beavers can build in areas that can cause flooding and damage to other infrastructure. Identifying areas that would benefit having beavers building dams and the relocation process take time, effort, coordination and money to complete.


BafangFan t1_iy8zl5q wrote

This one guy in Arizona is doing a pretty good job for his neighborhood. Everyone could do a little something themselves and it would make a big difference


GonWithTheNen t1_iyakezv wrote

When I visited the video I thought, "Oh, 52 minutes? I'll just watch a bit." But here I am an hour later after watching the whole thing. :p

Brad and his brother began something brilliant, and it's a joy to see that Brad is still going at it - still with the same infectious joy and energy! It's amazing seeing how lush Dunbar Spring has become.


it200219 t1_iy8ksdi wrote

could be more regulatory than env. for the US. If you are not using env. purpose where it goes underground it's fair but you store it in a container or your own well then you may be in trouble. Heard from a colleague who comes from farmer family


dreamWeaver82 t1_iy8z3m5 wrote

It is not illegal in the US. Maybe it's illegal in your state or county but not mine. Here we use rain barrels because we have too much rain for our sewers to handle.