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cutelyaware t1_iygoxgx wrote

My wife and I once hiked into the Yosemite backcountry for a few days. On the way back out we overtook another couple who were also coming out after a horrible week. On their first night going in, a bear ate all their food. They still had their fishing gear and figured that once they made it to the lake they were headed for, they could catch all their food. Of course they caught nothing, and after a day or two had to hike all the way back out. So when we met them, they hadn't eaten in at least 3 or 4 days. They very politely asked if we had any leftover food, so we were happy to give them the half a bag of roasted peanuts in the shell we hadn't finished. They pounced on it and ravished it, all the while asking what kind of peanuts they were because they tasted way better than anything they'd ever had. We felt really sad for them because they were ordinary peanuts and it was hard to see such nice people in such distress.


tightestvaginaever t1_iyghqho wrote

I'm glad the guy was okay! Hopefully he'll get a cellphone and bring it with next time he goes hiking!


Choppergold t1_iyhjbf0 wrote

These feel-good stories, a lot of the time it's a person who was so ill-prepared to go into the wilderness that it's borderline criminal


garry4321 t1_iyibw7n wrote

Like that one guy who got dropped off up north with no plans and no pickup date set (oops), and for some reason thought he had too many shotgun shells, so he THREW THEM INTO THE FUCKING RIVER, then later on wrote in his diary that he regretted that decision. Guy died.


bicycle_mice t1_iyhg91j wrote

Cell phones don’t work in the wilderness. You need a sat PLB and subscription, which is pricey.


oldmasterluke t1_iyhq6vw wrote

The couple that found him immediately called for help so they weren’t that far out. The guy was responsible. Why are you defending his stupidity?


pbush25 t1_iyhjysv wrote

The new iPhones do!


bicycle_mice t1_iyhksaz wrote

That was announced two weeks ago... before this dude was even lost. And the newest iPhone isn't cheap.


pbush25 t1_iyhl10t wrote

Your comment was “cell phones don’t work in the wilderness”. They do. Didn’t mention a timeline in my comment and neither did you. Just pointing out that your statement isn’t correct any more.

Most people already have cell phones. They will almost certainly all eventually support the emergency SOS feature because once apple does something everyone copies it.


onlyhightime t1_iyhnpi6 wrote

T-Mobile is working on all their customers having access to Starlink.


dchallenge t1_iyhqepw wrote

two weeks on 1/2 half a jar of salsa!?!?


DefinitelyNotaGuest t1_iyhth7u wrote

You can easily survive two weeks without eating anything assuming you aren't starting out emaciated, so it's not that surprising.


dchallenge t1_iyi7k25 wrote

“No problem at all. Barely an inconvenience”./s


DefinitelyNotaGuest t1_iyien2x wrote

I didn't say it wouldn't suck, but you're still gonna survive. The human body can go like 50 days without food before it starts to get significantly weaker, assuming you can find water.


domdom023 t1_iykymor wrote

Idk what your definition of "significantly weaker" is but if you make it to 30 days without any solid food. You ain't walking.


TheLadyFate t1_iykqtnu wrote

“I’m going to need you to get allllll the way off my back about that.”


PathlessBullet t1_iyhknra wrote

Read "hiker" as "killer" for some reason. Still thought it was kinda wholesome though.


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