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Dalbergia12 t1_iyxuult wrote

This should be a huge boon to many of my American neighbours. I hope that Costco starts selling them in the USA. In Canada, Costco sells very good hearing aids for about 1/2 to 2/3 of anyone else. Saved me and my spouse over $1000 EA. for sure!


JetKeel t1_iyy16sz wrote

Bought my grandmother some Costco hearing aids a couple of years ago for Christmas. They completely transformed her life in a positive way.


iLLogick t1_iyxvjsr wrote

The problem with Costco is that they buy all their hearing aids from one manufacturer at a huge discount and will sell that brand to their customers almost exclusively.

So not only do they drive independent clinics out, they sell customers a hearing aid based on who gives them a discount rather than what suits their customers needs.

Certain manufacturers have refused to do business with Costco because their practices are harming the overall industry


Dalbergia12 t1_iyxxh3a wrote

I'm familiar with that point of view. I found the Costco did carry other brands as well as the brand's that they had a contract with at the time. And because the others were more expressive for what I got, I voted with my wallet.

I've been to audiologists other than Costco staff. With my parents when they were aging and my in-laws when they were aging, and the last decade for myself and my spouse. They were IMHO worse than the worst of used car salesmen anywhere. If Costco puts a few of those scammers out of the ripping off grandma business, I'm okay with that!


maniacreturns t1_iyy258n wrote

Costco chooses products after factoring in all kind of data points, it's not just who gives them a bill discount. Go look at any of the products they carry and they're all rated close to best in class by consumer reports.


[deleted] t1_iyyklz8 wrote

Must be why Costco only sells Seagate hard drives, not that I would buy one.


mokeyss t1_iyzqs7j wrote

This is false. A quick google to there website shows that they sell from 3 manufacturers. Rexton, jabra, and phillips. Please make sure you dont spread false information.


bighungrybelly t1_iz07y4e wrote

Certain manufacturers have refused to do business with Costco because it would hurt their profit.


TikkiTakiTomtom t1_iyykcnz wrote

Thing is, the difference between a generic hearing aid and one that you get from the audiologist is day and night in terms of sound quality.


Dalbergia12 t1_iyynrry wrote

I believe Costco on Canada is using trained audiologists. Now I did not demand to see accreditation papers from them. The testing was thorough lasted over an hour. Next appointment I was shown how my hearing aids were set up for my specific hearing loss etc.


threeleggedgirl t1_iyywxs7 wrote

Are Costco hearing aids fitted? That always seemed like the main cost behind a hearing aid is just making sure it is comfy enough to wear all the time by having it be perfectly form fitting.


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0jk4u wrote

The kind where they make a mold of the inside of your ear etc. Are I believe, usually used for extreme hearing loss, and I(so far) have not had that experience. But if I do someday need those complex and expensive ones, Costco will be my first choice.


threeleggedgirl t1_iz0jvyy wrote

Ooo that makes sense! I'm legally blind and my prescription is -18.00, so I have a similar thing where if I want contacts they have to be like.... Special made for my eyes, because normal contacts would be too heavy or dry on my eyes. Once you're working at the extremes, precision becomes tricky without ideal conditions lol.


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0q70p wrote

The big problem for most folks is twofold.

First they wait till they are as deaf as a stump before they try to get help. If you can't remember what year you last heard a mosquito ?? And you never wake up to the sound of birds or even the neighbour's snow blowers anymore you already really need hearing aides. And if you wait till you are very old and a bit confused you will never learn how to use them.

And second of course is paying 3 times what is reasonable, is very hard to do on a fixed income. (this is of course the main reason folks put off getting them when they start to need them)

My MIL is 96, confused and is technically not quite stone deaf, but she can barely use them and got soaked for $7000 -more than 3 times what I paid!


NONcomD t1_iz8f3nj wrote

No it isnt. An individual.hearing aids is pretty standard and is not for extreme hearing loss. Having a problems with fitting might cause whistling and noise for the wearer of the hearing aids.


tammage t1_iyz410y wrote

Are the around the ear ones? I desperately need aids but I already get a huge headache when I wear glasses and a mask so I worry that hearing aids will cause the same issue. I can’t afford even the cheapest ones right now


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0k8mk wrote

Mine perch on and behind the outside of my ears and my glasses complicate issues. But I cope, as they are still better than not being able to hear speech well enough to socialize. I doubt they will give you any kind of head ache. Totally get the glasses and mask problems. But still rather do my best to cope and try to avoid getting sick which, touch wood is still working! Edited a word.


tammage t1_iz0nuxb wrote

Ya I haven’t gotten sick either but the headache gets so bad that I know avoid going out for extended periods of time. I wish I knew someone that had them so I could try for an hour. I’d probably know within 15 mins if I could handle it. Only person I know has top of the line Bluetooth and you can’t even tell he wears them.


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0p20n wrote

That might be the way to go for you then.


tammage t1_iz29e34 wrote

Would be great, if I could even afford one let alone the two that I need.