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tammage t1_iyz410y wrote

Are the around the ear ones? I desperately need aids but I already get a huge headache when I wear glasses and a mask so I worry that hearing aids will cause the same issue. I can’t afford even the cheapest ones right now


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0k8mk wrote

Mine perch on and behind the outside of my ears and my glasses complicate issues. But I cope, as they are still better than not being able to hear speech well enough to socialize. I doubt they will give you any kind of head ache. Totally get the glasses and mask problems. But still rather do my best to cope and try to avoid getting sick which, touch wood is still working! Edited a word.


tammage t1_iz0nuxb wrote

Ya I haven’t gotten sick either but the headache gets so bad that I know avoid going out for extended periods of time. I wish I knew someone that had them so I could try for an hour. I’d probably know within 15 mins if I could handle it. Only person I know has top of the line Bluetooth and you can’t even tell he wears them.


Dalbergia12 t1_iz0p20n wrote

That might be the way to go for you then.


tammage t1_iz29e34 wrote

Would be great, if I could even afford one let alone the two that I need.