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metr0nome t1_iz40ncq wrote

How does something like this get picked up for a news article. Like does Home Depot call them or does the guy who lost the $700 call them?


champ19nz t1_iz4amlo wrote

In this case they posted on Facebook to find the owner so likely it went viral locally and the local paper picked it up. Although these kind of articles were around long before social media.


nocolon t1_iz4w2bv wrote

Sometimes local news agencies will call the local police department and just ask "hey, anything happening?" It's possible the person called the police but then called them back to say "oh nm, the Home Depot workers found and returned it."

I used to do a lot of work for local municipalities, and on multiple occasions I'd be in the police dispatch area when someone from the local news would call and ask if there's any news.

But it's more likely what champ19nz said.