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Curtovirus t1_iz4ltyc wrote

When I worked at HD on a busy day some lady spent about 2k on supplies and counted off 100's and paid me but left the other part of her wad of bills on the counter. It was like an additional 2k so I just bundled it under my till. She came back in 2 hrs later frantic and flagged her down and gave her back her wad. She was grateful to the point of tears.


[deleted] t1_iz5b2qy wrote



gender_nihilism t1_iz5dkhm wrote

credit cards, it's easier to justify to yourself. "victimless crime" they always say. I mean, long-run, if your bank doesn't hate you, it's right enough. but short-term it causes an enormous amount of suffering, and not everyone who has a credit card can afford to use the full balance every month.

you find $2k in cash? try to find who it belongs to. you find a travel rewards card? the temptation is stronger. easier to pocket, easier to get away with using, etc. etc. you get enough time alone with it you don't even gotta take it home. just copy the numbers and try to guess the zip code. diabolical.


Mediocremon t1_iz5bdok wrote

Last time I tried to return a wad I got yelled at because "you can't return used condoms" or something. I wasn't really listening.