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theelljar t1_iz50rh5 wrote

OMG poor baby was stuck on a ledge for 7 days, thank goodness she's home now!


[deleted] t1_iz5mzyi wrote



clazaa t1_iz5ow5p wrote

Did you read the article? The dog chased some animal from their yard and ended up lost. It's not like the owners threw this dog out into the wild and didn't care about it.


the_weakestavenger t1_iz5ykue wrote

Nah, if you let your dog experience anything outside of a padded box you’re an abusive idiot! /s


I_Am_Goldy t1_iz5oae6 wrote

You’re quite quick to judge people you have no knowledge of that love their pet enough to include it in their hobby rather than leave them home alone


rpgguy_1o1 t1_iz5uhce wrote

She just got loose from their own yard, sounds like they just live near the trails, Vancouver Island is a pretty rural area. I've had that happen, it's an awful feeling, my indoor cat managed to pop out the screen of a window and go on an adventure. He was only gone for a few hours, but still felt awful not knowing where he was.


szai t1_iz6ffm5 wrote

Yeah I'll admit I can be pretty militant on the "Don't let your animals roam outdoors unsupervised" front but sometimes accidents happen. Glad the dog was ok. And the cat too!


salledattente t1_iz72mge wrote

I live in this area and most peoples' properties abutt wilderness. Bears in your yard are a pretty common occurrence.


Noisy_Toy t1_iz763df wrote

Our dogs once got underneath a fence gate and lifted it out of its hinges, then went on an adventure. We couldn’t believe it. So crafty!


atthebeach_gsd t1_iz7fhv4 wrote

My dog pushed under the tension wire I had installed to stop him from pushing under the fence 🤦‍♀️


Diplodocus114 t1_iz790cd wrote

> Our elderley cat went missing. She had lost her "Miow". I was 16 and put notes through all the neighbours doors asking them to check sheds and garages. She came home after 3 days > 1


KaneRobot t1_iz5ylq2 wrote

>Sounds like as humans we ha e yet again failed to protect animals.

Sounds like a reddit poster has yet again failed to read the article beyond the headline.


[deleted] t1_iz5ol8q wrote



[deleted] t1_iz5pn9i wrote



[deleted] t1_iz5q16q wrote



BostonBrandToots t1_iz69uuz wrote

Yes. They should have shot a kid for falling into a pen ... fucking what?

Value of something's life is entirely in the eye of the beholder. No getting around the fact that there are people who value the lives of their dogs over complete people strangers. And you know what, they aren't wrong to do so.


[deleted] t1_iz5qi3d wrote



[deleted] t1_iz5r3bc wrote



[deleted] t1_iz5rsw9 wrote



TarantinoFan23 t1_iz5xp9y wrote

When animals pay taxes, they can have emergency services.


BostonBrandToots t1_iz6a1yf wrote

>When animals pay taxes, they can have emergency services.

I pay the city to have pets. So fork it over, dumb ass lol


[deleted] t1_iz5qrv0 wrote



[deleted] t1_iz5rcf5 wrote



[deleted] t1_iz5rv74 wrote



BostonBrandToots t1_iz6ad7n wrote

>I'm not going to argue about this

Continues to spew all over the thread

Fucking maulding


PirateJinbe t1_iz5p81m wrote

Whether you like it or not, thats quite subjective.


[deleted] t1_iz5povd wrote



No_Instruction2123 t1_iz5s44c wrote

I don’t know about you but I’d pretty much let every single one of my neighbors die if it meant it would save my cats 🤷‍♂️


[deleted] t1_iz5skl6 wrote



No_Instruction2123 t1_iz5tac1 wrote

A legal argument is not a moral one. No one ever appeals to the law in these kinds of conversations, that’s just leading to an easy debunking. Just take India’s reverence for cows, they’re considered much more important than human lives in nearly every sense.

Also that’s not how criminal negligence works, I’m in no place of responsibility to risk my life to save yours UNLESS I’m registered as an EMT or nurse or something and take that legal responsibility on as my own. You sound like a high schooler that took one Gov class


[deleted] t1_iz5vfjs wrote



No_Instruction2123 t1_iz5w4e1 wrote

Dude….. that’s the law in nearly every English speaking country, which I’m assuming by your proper use of English you are from, but maybe I’m wrong.

It’s called “duty to rescue”, nobody has the legal responsibility to save anyone else if it involves endangering themselves. And it should absolutely stay that way, you’re insane if you think otherwise.


[deleted] t1_iz5xezw wrote



No_Instruction2123 t1_iz5xjuk wrote

In what other possible situation would I have to choose between my cats and neighbors? Seriously?


[deleted] t1_iz6167s wrote



No_Instruction2123 t1_iz62hs2 wrote

I have no obligation to risk my life in a fire to save my neighbors. If I choose to save my cats I’m well within my right. That’s the lawful argument which you should be fully aware of based on your previous statements. Also I’m 100% sure most people would choose their pets over a near stranger anyway, but believe what you like

>idk why you got upset and decided to get involved

Nice projection, keep coping kid :)