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cormac596 t1_iz6tbfp wrote


Extension-Ad-2760 t1_iz6tpmn wrote

Similarly, Hitler really helped to eliminate antisemitism. Most of Europe was quite antisemitic (though not to... *that...*level) before the war. That changed very quickly afterwards


grafknives t1_iz9krrt wrote

He also helped to eradicate most vivid racism and eugenics eugenics etc from the USA. (from where he got those ideas in the first place)

To the point that is not rememberer to the proper extent.


onetimenative t1_iz9mx4w wrote

Neither of these topics were eliminated or eradicated ... they were temporarily reduced or regressed but they have always remained. These traits are still there, they are still a force in society, they just are not as popular as they once were. Place the right amount of propaganda around anything and you can make the public believe anything .... even in this day in age.


CO2_3M_Year_Peak t1_izw06bd wrote

The Holocaust exterminated most European Jews. Afterward there weren't many Jews left to be a focal point for antisemitism