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Proxymal t1_izb4c5x wrote

I would have no problem with immigrants if housing was available. A studio apartment in my area starts at 1700 a month because there's a housing shortage and high demand. A 3 bedroom starts at 3500. So you have a family of immigrants able to live in the town I grew up in, but I cannot afford to house my family where I live any longer. We may need the jobs and don't get me wrong, most immigrants are hard workers. But provide the housing along with it.


redd5ive t1_izbehfh wrote

Seems like your beef should be with the corporations scooping up homes and apartments as opposed to immigrants.


Hefty-Display-594 t1_izc164o wrote

I have no coins to award you, but if I did. Bravo ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅ‡


Proxymal t1_j20br1b wrote

My beef isn't with immigrants over corporations. I'm just saying it doesn't help when anyone and their uncle can come over and increase the prices of the housing market.


IAmRobertoSanchez t1_izc3561 wrote

I think we live in the same place because the prices are about right. I'm certain the immigrant families can't afford $1,700 a month for a studio either.

Instead of scapegoating people for looking for a better life, we should join forces against greedy landlords that keep jacking up the rent and a housing system where prices never go down because people are leveraging their current assets too buy more rental properties.


Proxymal t1_izc66sn wrote

It's not landlords per say. If a house sells in a neighborhood for an amount above market value, the houses around it go up to. This is how the market justifies demand of an area. The landlords have every right to ask for more money when the property and that area are in high demand. What doesn't help with this is lack of housing and new housing being built.


TucsonTacos t1_izcbhpf wrote

Theyโ€™re building plenty of new luxury homes and apartments though! /s


IAmRobertoSanchez t1_izcikox wrote

Is it the new legal immigrants that are buying property above asking price? Or wealthy people / companies planning to rent them out to families like ours that can't afford to buy and can barely afford to rent?

Back to your original comment about new legal immigrants flooding the housing market and pricing you out if your houseing. Do you still feel that way after this exercise?


Proxymal t1_izcwhia wrote

There's a lot it than immigrants. But it's certainly not helping at least in my area. You have a great point though. I simply can't help but feel a little sour when part of the reason demand is so high along with rent is because people keep moving here and are able to move into a 2 bedroom with 8 people. My family of 4 including myself just can't keep up with the rising prices. A big part of it is of course that it's a nice place to live. There's housing out there that's not outrageous. But that's just not the case in my home town where I've resided for 31 years.


Aert_is_Life t1_izel0tn wrote

That house just sold to a leasing company who is going to paint it and rent it out for $2000 or more per month.


Lady_Marigold t1_izba8ag wrote

Really? Over here an entire apartment is 500 a month


omgdiaf t1_izbq3m8 wrote

And where is over here?


Lady_Marigold t1_izbqhe9 wrote

Northwest Arkansas. Plenty of immigrants, native people, and more specifically in the area I'm in. plenty of housing.. almost too much to go around. People come in and leave for better places all the time.


RedditOR74 t1_izg0tbu wrote

>lenty of immigrants, native people, and more specifically in the area I'm in. plenty of housing.. almost too much to go around. People come in and leave for better places all the time.

You answered that question with "better places".


Lady_Marigold t1_izoscpv wrote

I mean it's not like we live in a dump. hell it's actually getting better, and infrastructure is being rebuilt. by "better places" I meant leaving arkansas, because frankly the place is soon to be run by a crazy trump loving woman named sanders who wants to take away rights from poc and lgbtq people.

all of that sucks, but, in the meantime the rent is cheap and the place is slowly getting better.(and to be frank, progressive places aren't the best spots for poorer people in america considering that a lot of those places are built for upper-middle class people)


RedditOR74 t1_izqu9fo wrote

LOL, nothing at all wrong with NW Arkansas. My comment was more to underscore the power of perception. Better is of course subjective to what you want in a place. For most, that means better employment, but those places often come with much higher living costs, so not much is gained. Some like urban lifestyle and convenience, others like a more reclusive lifestyle and nature. The key is to figure out what one likes and to accept the good and bad that comes with it.


Mydogroach t1_izcktfh wrote

3 bed room house is under 1200/month where i live. maybe 1500 with an exceptionally large yard or highly sought after location


Mydogroach t1_izckjmv wrote

the housing shortage is artificial caused by air bnb and other rental companies/corporations that are buying up and renting every property they can