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bottleboy8 t1_izgk8pv wrote

You don't see them much in the US. But traveling around Central America, these "zoo restaurants" are really common. And the conditions are always really sad.


SternLecture t1_izhea6h wrote

I am just going to assume it's like a circus but you get to choose what animal to eat.


obscure_greenleaf t1_izgi5dp wrote

> "Today I am not feeling good because they are taking the bear away. We have been used to living with [him]," said Misir Maxhuku, whose duties have included caring for Mark for the past four years.

You have been used to torturing him, you sick bastard


MentallyMusing t1_izjflq6 wrote

I feel like this article intentionally leaves out too much pertinent information. Including the fact they provided a photo of a sanctuary not recieving this bear as an addition to their own bear rescue community. And left till the end, without explaining, the efforts made locally to preserve the local bear population while it's numbers were declining.

These are exactly the types of articles I'd highlights and mark up after reading a hard copy to do my own research from.

It's the difference between a published opinion piece of fluff and a Real News Article (which provides Facts without the emotional tone and direction of belief being paved for you... Yuck!) Mislabeling thing will be the continued death of us


MentallyMusing t1_izjg9gl wrote

Autocorrect erroneously provided

An added "S" at the end of highlight

Removed the letter "S" from the end of the word thing

Atleast the total number of characters remains the same just moved around a little bit


AutoModerator t1_izgdkjy wrote

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All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


gimmeluvin t1_izqz6dg wrote

how is a bear raised in captivity going to fare in the wild?


DaRedGuy OP t1_izqzdcy wrote

It's not going to be released into the wild, but rather a wildlife sanctuary.