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Skyfl00d t1_izilivk wrote

I don't think that it has anything to do with social stigma here.
Condoms are almost available everywhere, and you can even buy some without having to interract with another human. And even if it's not free yet, it's cheap.

One thing i noticed (i think) is that younger people are not scared by STDs the same way older people were.
Catching an STD is kinda rare here, and for the last 50 years it has been more and more uncommon.
And because of that i think that younger generations aren't scared about STDs or Aids the way older generations were. And therefore, take less precautions when engaging in sexual intercourses with others.


PaxNova t1_izl0w3y wrote

Is MST the French term for an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)?


Skyfl00d t1_izl18a5 wrote

It is. Sorry i didn't even noticed it while typing. Edits will be made


Logan_MacGyver t1_izy6c9r wrote

>even if it's not free yet, it's cheap.

A ten pack goes for 15€ where I live...