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Independent_Ad_3928 t1_izgv9n0 wrote

It’s only a Condom if it’s from the region of Condom-en-Armagnac, France. Otherwise, it’s merely a Sparkling Rubber.


jam3s2001 t1_izjhn2q wrote

Americans of course don't recognize the convention so it becomes that thing of calling all of their rubbers condoms, even though by definition they're not.


rdmille t1_izgy12j wrote

They will see a reduction in STD's, abortions, and teenage pregnancy.

Based on experiences elsewhere.


NotACapedCrusader1 OP t1_izgtyp9 wrote

This is a shocking statistic: STDs increased by about 30% in 2020 and 2021 in France.

This is a very proactive and positive move on the part of the French Government.

Not that there should be any stigma in regard to buying condoms this should help remove any that may exist and remove any financial issues also.

If more countries would follow suit it could be a positive development worldwide.

The message being something akin to 'have fun, be sensible, be respectful and be safe'.


Skyfl00d t1_izilivk wrote

I don't think that it has anything to do with social stigma here.
Condoms are almost available everywhere, and you can even buy some without having to interract with another human. And even if it's not free yet, it's cheap.

One thing i noticed (i think) is that younger people are not scared by STDs the same way older people were.
Catching an STD is kinda rare here, and for the last 50 years it has been more and more uncommon.
And because of that i think that younger generations aren't scared about STDs or Aids the way older generations were. And therefore, take less precautions when engaging in sexual intercourses with others.


PaxNova t1_izl0w3y wrote

Is MST the French term for an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)?


Skyfl00d t1_izl18a5 wrote

It is. Sorry i didn't even noticed it while typing. Edits will be made


Logan_MacGyver t1_izy6c9r wrote

>even if it's not free yet, it's cheap.

A ten pack goes for 15€ where I live...


GingerGoob t1_izipfaz wrote

My tired eyes read this as condos and thought HOLY SHIT 👀


say-it-wit-ya-chest t1_izgylcy wrote

This would make US Taliban, I mean, American Evangelicals/Catholics, very upset.


Vegan_Harvest t1_izi439i wrote

That's nice I guess, but old people can get the clap too.


MadeFromNews t1_izhkdqe wrote

Should the US consider doing this?


rdmille t1_izhoh7t wrote

If we were sane, we already would be. As I said in another comment, it has been shown to reduce STD's, teen pregnancy, and abortions.

However, as a single data point, I've told this to a RW, anti-abortion, woman who said, "NO! We can only agree to do it if it stops ALL abortions!"

(emphasis was hers)


goodboybane t1_izi796b wrote

The United States of Christofascists would never do such a thing.


Zyphur009 t1_izjvc99 wrote

I mean I think so but on another note, at least in the states I’ve lived in, it’s always been kinda easy to access free condoms depending on where you go. I’m a gay male and they hand them out like candy at the LGBT center.


Kozeza t1_izl2vid wrote

You can get free condoms at almost any health department in the US.


NotACapedCrusader1 OP t1_izgtfr9 wrote

The short article below:

PARIS, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Young people in France will be able to get condoms free of charge from next year in an effort to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday.

"In pharmacies, condoms will be free for those aged 18 to 25 from January 1," Macron told reporters during an event about young people's health.

Health authorities estimate that the rate of STDs increased by about 30% in 2020 and 2021 in France.


coffeewithmaryjane t1_izhswm7 wrote

Great news but have to ask - are tampons free there too? Birth control? Genuine question- I’m American(I know we have our own problems)


MadameConnard t1_izi93p8 wrote

Tampons aren't exactly free, but there platforms that can provide those (mostly from charity) , aswell with protections and a birth control where minors can interact without their parents.


NotACapedCrusader1 OP t1_iziaqyv wrote

MadameConnard gave a great answer below. I believe I heard a report on the radio here in the UK about tampons being free or talks to make them free in N. Ireland I want to say but I could be wildly wrong here.

If I can find the details I will post it here mary.


Swarfega t1_izikzm8 wrote

Just get people to use Reddit. Easily the cheapest way to prevent people having sex.


bingold49 t1_izgy6vh wrote

I remember having to make trips to planned parenthood for the basket of free condoms


IngVegas t1_izi90lk wrote

Literally uplifting news.


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Melokhy t1_izibya6 wrote

That's political move to hide on media how they're messing up with retirement system, and I truly want to see implementation because good ideas like this can quickly turn into a paper nightmare in reality.

Anyway if it's as easy and reliable as expected, for sure it's good and uplifting news...


Gloriathewitch t1_iziccxi wrote

This is good, where im from if you go to your sexual health clinic or doctor and ask for condoms theyll usually just give you a whole ass box, it's probably done wonders to prevent transmission


askallthequestions86 t1_izjujza wrote

We had them free here in most of the US back in the 90's because we had planned parenthoods everywhere. Walk in and get a brown paper bag with condoms for free.

Now, they're scarce.


ZidaneLoire t1_izk02ml wrote

While this is great, it's going to be the shittiest condoms the government can get. My country did this and they sourced Control (it's a shitty Italian brand name) condoms, which what is what you use when you want to be a parent soon. The ones they gave for free at university parties usually broke when you were sliding them in, so nobody actually used them for sex. They were used in pranks and jokes. We just bought our own or got the good ones from the public hospitals.

It would be nice if they tested the sourced condoms.


Koffeekage t1_izk6yfk wrote

If the condom breaks can they sue?


Molehunter2022 t1_izksmcj wrote

My high school gave out bags of condoms to every student (this was the 80’s, before all that “abstinence-only education”) and during all 4 years of high school I was only aware of one teenage pregnancy happening (there were surely others who got abortions, but only one “teenage mom” in my whole school). Condoms work. Just gotta actually use them.


TemporaryGuidance1 t1_izyaohn wrote

France continues to amaze me in the level care they have for their citizens health. They are definitely a role model for healthcare systems around the globe.