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ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_j02j2ez wrote

Russia: Panics.


ManicSheogorath t1_j05gwtt wrote

Good. Maybe they can invent a motor that runs on wheat


NateShaw92 t1_j11i27w wrote

That'd honestly be amazing.

Then we could shout "To the glutenmobile"


j_stars t1_j02m691 wrote

Wind gives usable power 1/8 of the time.

Solar gives usable power 3/8 of the time.

Good luck.


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_j02onqq wrote

And tidal?

And when you throw them all into the mix together?


j_stars t1_j02sq6f wrote

Germany has spent $2T on green energy in the last 5 years. Can't heat their homes with the stuff.


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_j02u739 wrote

Renewable energy accounts for about 51% of Germany's energy usage, and its increasing.

I'm not sure what angle you are trying to play here. This is a good thing.


Drakotrite t1_j03u7a1 wrote

Germany's power production is 55% fossil fuel, 13% nuclear, 35% renewable. Their power use is 51% fossil fuel, 13% nuclear and 38% renewable and 5% imports. Renewable in this case is 6% solar and 12% wind, 10% biomass reactors, and about 5% hydroelectric dams. Minor production from geothermal and kinetic power.

Even the most generous sources put germany's power production and use at 45% renewable.


CobaltEmu OP t1_j037k3q wrote

Yes because clearly those are our only options for renewable energy and of course we must only choose one. There is no easy fix for climate change. Fixing what’s broken will require a lot of different changes. Don’t try to discredit a step in the right direction just because it didn’t fix the whole problem


Johnmannesca t1_j054ah9 wrote

Right. It's like calling the Mona Lisa ugly for having Bell's Palsy. Be cautiously optimistic for our energy securities friends, and I hope nobody is freezing this winter.


Brownie-UK7 t1_j03cju7 wrote

This seems pretty shortsighted. Perhaps you’re just trolling but do you expect some magic silver bullet that replaces fossil fuels overnight? It is a huge problem and only a collection of solutions over decades will eradicate them. Solar, wind, wave, nuclear are all part of that solution.