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TendiesMeWant t1_j09hwmi wrote

This is your argument....? I honestly thought I would've heard something I haven't heard a thousand times from people without electrical engineering degrees.


Direct-Ad-7922 t1_j09x1e1 wrote

If you want more details then there is this pretty cool website called Google.

Or, feel free to scroll up and follow any of the 5 different resources that that I linked earlier.

Although if you really wanted to understand what I mean you would have done this already.

At this point I think you are purposely deluding yourself too


TendiesMeWant t1_j09xl1s wrote

You think governments spending countless billions around the world haven't thought of that? There are innumerable methods of storing energy during the off hours. And I don't know what articles you're referring to, all I see is those two linkedin links. Furthermore, I don't see how the misinformed idea that you can't store energy during the off hours makes renewables "unsustainable". The future will likely be a mix of multiple sources of energy for generations. We absolutely should be attempting to replace unclean and expensive energy with clean and cheap energy. It makes no sense not to.


Direct-Ad-7922 t1_j0a3fpd wrote

I used to think the same way - truly - I even developed wireless power transfer tools for using car batteries for distributed storage.

It’s the sustainability of storage that’s the problem - it costs too much and it doesn’t last long enough.

The thing is normal people vote for politicians who vote to spend billions on tech like this which doesn’t actually solve the problem.

We blow money like nobodies business