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Mrischief t1_j0h808e wrote

Are you for real ?

Men as in who ? Historically everyone in humanity was a serf, slave or lived close to their families. Oh you mean men as in rich men ? Well see the problem there is that MOST MEN are not rich, and yes you will the bring up the argument of childbirth and the risk for women, which is subtantial for sure during those times.

Men / XY have during most of history been the partner that has assumed risk comparatively to set food, do harder labour, die younger (barring sickness / complication from childbirth).

So how exactly are you arguing that it is MEN that has had it better ? Kings, nobels, New money has risen to the top and guess what, they want to maximize profits.

You dont get to cheery pick statistics for one thing, you do so comparatively, or not at all.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0hwo6b wrote

I'm actually laughing. That you think women have EVER had it better than any class of men is not just naive, it's lunacy. Not cherry picking any statistics, but apparently you are if you don't understand that men have ALWAYS had it better. And wow, that you think because men had it bad a thousand years ago, that that somehow made their lives just as bad as women's, then you need to do a little more research. Women could be beaten and or killed if their husbands wanted, with no repercussions. So, yeah, having to work in a field doing back breaking work, so much worse /s. Comparing what men had to go through to Kings and nobels is so beyond ridiculous since those were the 1% of their time.


Mrischief t1_j0i2ug4 wrote

Which fields of study do women go into ?

Do they pay as much or equal as men (in that profession) ?

So there is a subset of women that go into being programmers, lawyers, doctors and politicians, so why should the achivements not be on Merit insteas of a gender ?

Who is more likely to go to college or university ? What subjects do they do ?

Who gets drafted in wars, by force ? Is that equal ?

What about courts or divorce proceedings ?

Now, back to the topic at hand. Spain has about 22 days give or take sick days, why do we have to spell out a benefit for painful menstruation precisely ?

When men get sick, we tend to be sicker than women does that mean we should get extra sick days because of it ?

«Men are more susceptible to them, symptoms are worse, they last longer, and men are more likely to be hospitalized and die from the flu." Dr. Kyle sue clinical assistant professor in family medicine

So what exactly do you want ? Cause equality across the gender gap is not happening, we have our own struggles to deal with. And we could expand that to different continents have different issues.