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Keffpie t1_j0j57rs wrote

Hey, I'm just using you as a springboard for my own frustrations at this point. I am literally a rich person unable to give money away. It's insane.

That said, what we've done is we pay everyone a more than fair wage (way above average for our sector), insane pensions scheme, and obviously we respect the parental leave laws in our country. We also give gratuities when we've done well.

We're not on the stock exchange, so we can't give options on shares, and the law makes it really advantageous to own more than 90% of your company.

We give the exact same bonus to everyone, regardless of salary. Who cares if the people in the warehouse therefore gets a higher percentage bonus; they probably need it more. We've toyed with the idea of bonuses being more formalized, but it always ends up with people expecting and even spending the bonus... and getting royally possed off if they then miss a milestone because one guy was sick or another was on paternal leave. Not worth it, ruins cohesion.

All in all, it's really hard to give people bonuses without wrecking your company.


Trelloant t1_j0jyasa wrote

Pretty interesting to read as an biz econ student appreciate you writing it all out.