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Jkpoker13 t1_j1odtge wrote

I agree with this. Normally when parents don’t hear from kids- you expect them to randomly end up dead. (In scenario what was described- a week is a long time go no communication to Us parents when traveling overseas)

Ok now I’m not being super negative here but I feel it’s a big goof by the kid to not check up with his parents. When I go on vacation for a week across the country (us) or another country like Mexico which I did recently, I text one parent a day to let them know I’m still breathing and good. I think it’s really rude of the kid to not check with his parents every few days to let them know he’s ok. Is it that difficult to send a quick text saying “im ok”. It makes him and his family look a tad foolish when they have to complain to have their son searched for. Kid goofed. It’s nice to hear he is alive though. Idc what anyone says- I think the worst when parents don’t hear from their kid overseas for an extended time. It’s a lot different traveling overseas Vs just being in the US. Folks can say what they want but cops can be crooked in certain foreign countries. An American going missing also- nobody is going to care in Europe unless brought to their attention by the parents.