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pleasekillmerightnow t1_j0melrv wrote

A lot of people are clueless about why some of us with a mixed cultural and ethnic heritage wanna talk about this so much. Because we are trying to explain how we feel in a world when we get dismissed or not taken seriously when we don’t look or act (insert race, ethnicity, country of origin) “enough”, but we belong to all of them but in different ways, and it’s hurtful when we don’t get accepted in any of them. We are not trying to act important, we just want to explain how we see the world.


PleasinglyReasonable t1_j0ml9cc wrote

In America, I'm not American enough, go back to Colombia and I'm a fuckin gringo. If i mention this i'm 'obsessed with race'.


pleasekillmerightnow t1_j0mngh5 wrote

Fellow Colombian-American here, other times people expect me to act like Gloria Delgado all the time and are confused as of why I am Colombian yet I fail to act like a Latina bombshell


rexter2k5 t1_j0moe5z wrote

I've always loved the scene in Barry when young Barack explains his family situation to a civil rights activist and the dude just looks at him and says:

"Do you know what that makes you?"

pregnant pause

"An American."


crookedframe13 t1_j0ngeix wrote

I'm half korean and its been interesting. I look different enough that non-asian people know I'm some sort of mixed so there's a lot of "What are yous" in my life. And when I tell them I'm half korean, I'll be asian to them. That's it. For the asian people in my life it depends on my relationship to them. For my asian friends, I'm asian. For acquaintances, I don't make the cut. Lol.

I think I was incredibly lucky though because for the majority of my childhood and up until high school, people like me (half asian) were the majority in my school. (DoDDS schools for the win!) It was the non-mixed kids who were the minority.


Steccca t1_j0o8zut wrote

Dodds schools alum here! Spent most of my life overseas and when I came back home to America it was weird. I couldn't explain to people why I didn't feel like an American even though I was one. I was use to living in another culture, there was lingo I didn't understand and references I didn't have. Getting asked the where are you from question was never simple. Only other people who moved a lot understood. All that to say I can relate!


blueelffishy t1_j0mgdn6 wrote

Honestly i blame left wing politics for making identity politics the focal point that consumes almost every topic. Makes it so that even when race can be a genuinely interesting and relevant topic such as this guy it gets dismissed as part of the lunacy.

race is not everything, its not nothing, its just something

To people downvoting this, theres a reason why NYC asians and latinos are turning more and more red by the day. Identity politics has its benefits, but a lot of you dont realize just how much obsession with it takes attention away from some of the main structural disadvantages affecting working class poc


izzittho t1_j0mpsyp wrote

“Dismissed as part of the lunacy”

You say it right here, the problem is the people dismissing legitimate topics as “part of the lunacy,” - the problem is the right painting things as lunacy when they’re not. Because of racism, generally. If they drown out anyone trying to discuss this shit, they don’t have to worry about someone in the middle listening long enough to realize they agree. Just paint it as crazy before anyone even gets to hear what they have to say.

See also: painting other very un-radical left wing ideas as radical to attempt to paint the average persons views as further right than they really are.


pleasekillmerightnow t1_j0mpv04 wrote

That’s because the GOP blocks anything policy that benefits the working or poor class of all races.