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FustianRiddle t1_j0s84vm wrote

I watched Homeward Bound for the first in over 20 years and man...even though I know that cat in the rapids is fake and I can see it's fake, I had to leave the room.


velveeeeta t1_j0scn6y wrote

It's on my list of films to re-watch and I just know I am going to bawl like a baby when Shadow is stuck in the pit EVEN THOUGH I'VE SEEN THE END A HUNDRED TIMES


FlashZordon t1_j0spp93 wrote

My wife watched Homeward Bound for the first time while pregnant. When she found out >!Sassy survived the rapids!< she about lost all composure and was crying uncontrollably lol.


markercore t1_j0t74x4 wrote

It might be real, they killed a lot of cats and dogs making that movie, a terrible fact the Internet taught me..


Skivvy t1_j0tdf4z wrote

You're probably thinking of Milo and Otis (1986)


FustianRiddle t1_j0uq9p4 wrote

Oh maybe the original Homeward Bound? But Homeward Bound The Incredible Journey that cat is definitely not real.