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waxess t1_j16gu1i wrote

We already monitor intracranial pressure and we monitor it continuously, 24 hrs a day, as long as the patient stays in ICU. At best, this would give us a warning that the patient may bleed, and ICPs may rise, which may encourage us to watch it more closely, but good medical practice would mean watching the ICP all day, every day, continuously, without any breaks anyway.

Regarding your (presumably rhetorical) opening question, the harsh reality of modern healthcare is that a life does have a dollar value. In a system of finite resources, all interventions have to be weighed against their cost-benefit. If this algorithm can be shown to save one out of every ten thousand patients from a bleed that would otherwise be missed, but it costs $10 million to license, it would be highly unlikely to be picked up by any hospital that has to consider where else its funding may be better spent.