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lostkarma4anonymity t1_j198z4z wrote

You're over hear calling me names. When I think we can both agree that we are trying to help people. When was the last time you warned a patient of the risk that they would bleed to death out of their asshole, a legitimate risk according to you. These conversations are good to have and increase knowledge to the patient. Why gloss over the real danger? Nobody is suing the doctors over this, you remain protected and shielded from liability.

So ugly and hateful. As though the thousands of people that died don't matter because "they are free to turn down blood thinners" if they want.

You have all this evidence in front of you showing that it DOES cause a lot of people pain and tragedy, yet you resort to name calling and hateful rhetoric.

The fact that some doctors would rather be hateful than accountable is exactly the reason I love my job. AGAIN I don't even sue the doctors, its the MANUFACTURERS a PRODUCTS LIABILITY CASE. But go ahead and call me the idiot.