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inTRONet t1_j19d1fl wrote

Legally in Edinburgh you can change your name by yelling it from the town square as well, but I think nowadays there’s more paperwork involved than in the old days.


Oatcake47 t1_j1alr2t wrote

Yeah, you need to fill in paperwork now, but I changed my name by proclamation. About £40 to have it registered and £10 for a printed copy.True cost comes from all the other things you need to change after. Glad name changes aren’t required after a mirage in Scotland.


SilverNicktail t1_j19o3p8 wrote

I wonder....when this completely fails to collapse society, will the TERFs attempt even the tiniest introspection?

Naaah, they'll just scream twice as hard over the next attempt to make marginalised peoples' lives easier. Saw an Irish TERF whining in the replies to Holyrood's announcement, completely ignoring the part where Ireland's had this for years and has bugger-all harm to show for it.


Oatcake47 t1_j1amam7 wrote

Don’t worry, Westminster may be coming to their rescue and challenging it in the courts. Just like when Scotland tried to put the rights of the child as outlined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


AndroidwithAnxiety t1_j1a5ewp wrote

My dad tried to have a conversation about this with me but for some forsaken reason decided to open with 'some people have 'reasonable' arguments against it but are being called transphobic anyway.'

Yes. That's because they're arguing in favor of restricting people's access to resources and respect, based on unsubstantiated fearmongering. Their intentions might not be bigoted, but the result they're pushing for is.

Besides, it doesn't matter how well reasoned your argument is if you're starting from a point that you pulled out your ass and have no evidence for.


EhipassikoParami t1_j1dfpel wrote

> 'some people have 'reasonable' arguments

And what are these arguments?
"Men will hurt women."
I agree: put all men in jail. They're provably dangerous, look at crime statistics. Start with him, I'm sure he'll agree with this 'reasonable' argument.


DigestibleAntarctic t1_j19zqsh wrote

And, of course, the BBC also has a “both sides” article about this.


ProgressivelyMe t1_j1c2cdr wrote

Meanwhile Texas is trying to pass a bill that would essentially make being transgender illegal. You would be arrested if you were clocked (not driving related) by a cop.


AutoModerator t1_j18wvob wrote

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[deleted] t1_j1bx1xv wrote



SilverNicktail t1_j1c2ooo wrote

Skimming the post list, I see a santa fundraiser, an abandoned dog, electric postal vehicles, the discovery of a Roman settlement in Ukraine........are you just not looking?


Runnermikey1 t1_j1c2t3i wrote

Tbh the only stuff I see on here is my from my normal home


Firstpoet t1_j19ojkm wrote

Actually change gender or define themselves by using words?


SilverNicktail t1_j1bvsbw wrote

Gender is a social construct as opposed to sex, which is biological,'s basically already just words, my guy.


Firstpoet t1_j1bzn48 wrote

So words are actual physically objective social constructs. Really? 'Social construct' is of itself merely words.


SilverNicktail t1_j1c2io5 wrote

I don't think your reply makes any sense. I said that gender is a social construct, which it is. Ideas of what male and female gender roles have changed constantly throughout history, and have differed wildly between cultures. The idea that such things have always been locked in stone is a falsehood perpetuated exclusively as a response to those who wish to go against contemporary societal norms

"Real men should never wear pink, or tights!" one hypothetical reactionary may shout. If they did, they would be in total ignorance of the times in our history when pink was considered manly, or when all men of stature wore leggings. Did you know that the modern association between women and pink only came about in the 1930s and 1940s?


EhipassikoParami t1_j1ddr2m wrote

> So words are actual physically objective social constructs. Really?

They are if you write them down.
Also, since when is gender "physically objective"? Considering the dictionary definition of gender, which you are free to look up for yourself.

I don't think you think very deeply. All you do is grind your axe, and that axe is based solely on emotion.


Firstpoet t1_j1dxa68 wrote

Alice in Wonderland: "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."


[deleted] t1_j19da3h wrote



Whatwillwebe t1_j19l5an wrote

Actual headline is grammatically correct, I think we can blame OP for that one.

> Changing gender to be made easier in Scotland