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forgot_to_growup t1_j1l3s2b wrote

I worked as a civilian nurse at an army hospital. Active Duty personnel and Veterans received excellent care that was on par or better than civilian hospitals. The staff were also treated better and not worked to the bone the way they are at for profit private hospitals. Conservatives keep pouring the Kool Aid and their constituents greedily drink it up.


Willow-girl t1_j1lbqql wrote

Two of my husbands were former military and had to deal with the VA in two different states. It was a nightmare. I'm glad to hear the facility you worked at was a good one but that isn't universal.


forgot_to_growup t1_j1o1wih wrote

Maybe it depends on the state. Working in healthcare in red and blue states is very different. Blue states are much better.


Willow-girl t1_j1olhud wrote

Both were in blue states, MI and PA.


forgot_to_growup t1_j26egoe wrote

Trump won the first time in both of those states. Biden only won narrowly in 2020.


Willow-girl t1_j27ic2x wrote

Trump's 2016 win in Michigan was the first time Michiganders went Republican for POTUS in nearly a quarter-century. Pennsylvania's registered voters are 49% Democrat to 37% Republican.


quiettryit t1_j1mkpr4 wrote

I don't think they understand how bad medical care is in the civilian sector. Waiting months to see a specialist, paying thousands for minor procedures in addition to thousands per month in premiums and many doctors not even accepting new patients. We had to drive 5 hours before to find an in network specialist. The nurses and doctors were indeed burned out as it's like a warzone in civilian hospitals too while military and VA facilities had so many employees that many could just sit and hang out most being civil service and Public employees or contractors. They want everyone to think they are so abused, but if that's true then just look at the care everyday civilians deal with on a daily basis.