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pjshaw1995 t1_j1s0etm wrote

yeah but the snow can be so densely packed that your chest cavity literally cannot expand to get air in. source: am a ski patroller.


kelp_forests t1_j1s4319 wrote

I think everyone is talking past each other and the real answer is if you survive without a life threatening injury, your main issue is oxygen for, then “shortly” afterwards, cold.

Source: ER doctkr with no ski experience, open to corrections.


Higira t1_j1twr0r wrote

Yeah sounds about right.

Source: some dude on the internet.


JackRusselTerrorist t1_j1ugbzf wrote

Generally speaking in any collapse/land slide/ avalanche/ etc. your best bet is to be on your hands and knees, to ensure you’ve got a void beneath you that your chest can expand into, and have a little air pocket.

In an avalanche, having your back to a ledge is your best bet.