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Noetipanda t1_j2f99re wrote

Yooo! Grew up in Erie (SEK) and recently graduated college in Wichita where I live. Gf lived in Topeka so I frequented emporia.


chuckdooley t1_j2f9uhj wrote

Erie sounds familiar, but I’m not placing it….I’m guessing Empo is “big” compared?

I drove through Topeka to Manhattan yesterday for work!

Small world….ever eat at Merchant Street BBQ in Empo?


Noetipanda t1_j2fa37t wrote

Erie is a middle-of-nowhere town in Southeast KS. Easy to miss. Emporia is right between Topeka and Wichita, so it was a good halfway for us.

I haven’t eaten at Merchant Street but I’m always down for BBQ places! Thanks for the rec


chuckdooley t1_j2fbavz wrote

Nice! I have had clients in Wichita some and my brother worked there for awhile, I enjoy old town, or I used to!

Yeah, I can’t remember if it’s called Merchant Street BBQ or Bobby D’s, but it’s the best bbq in town, IMO….and their cheesy potatoes are great

It’s right by the 5th and 6th grade buildings and the post office