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needanacc0unt t1_j2fkwiz wrote

That’s not uplifting, that’s pure stupidity.

Stay on shore and call 911. They don’t want to rescue you and recover your pet. They’ll just come rescue the dog.


Sonyguyus t1_j2fs3v8 wrote

He knew what he was doing, being a navy seal water coach. He has to know how long a person can stay in icy cold waters, water that wasn’t moving either, so there was less chance of him being pulled under.


IoniKryptonite t1_j2fn4xx wrote

Assuming they make it in time...if it's looking dire I'm diving in...I know it's the wrong call, but fuck it.


needanacc0unt t1_j2fstnx wrote

I know they have 120 seconds max to go from bells to truck rolling, but average less than that. Plus a few minutes travel time. So from making the call to professionals arriving on scene (that are trained in ice rescue and can do it safely) in about 5 minutes.

I’d take the sure bet over the uncertainty of me being able to climb back onto the ice should I fall in.

On the other hand, you could just control your leashed dog and not put yourself in such a situation.
