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Vprbite t1_j2lwk2j wrote

My mother left the convent to marry my father. He knew her in high school but she always said she would become a nun. He said he loved her and would wait for her to change her mind. So, he did. And she did. They stayed in touch while he was at West Point and she was in the convent. Finally, on her very last day before she became a full fledged nun, she left and married my dad. Still married some 54 years later


vrenak t1_j2moemk wrote

And then they crossed into Switzerland on foot...


Vprbite t1_j2mp9zi wrote

Haha, sounds like it, doesn't it? It's actually my mother's favorite movie and she met Julie Andrews once which meant the world to her


vrenak t1_j2msmsh wrote

Nice, lovely that she got to meet her.:)


Vprbite t1_j2q21l2 wrote

Yeah, she was so happy. She used to talk about it all the time. Unfortunately she has been ravaged by dementia these last few years and had bad aphasia. But it was definitely special for her to meet her hero


s-mores t1_j2n32cp wrote

Funnily enough, your mom is "the one that got away" for god.


Vprbite t1_j2of2eh wrote

Haha! Ya. God has a sense of humor though. She wanted 3 girls. She got 3 boys and we were all more trouble than the last