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DragonGarlicBreath t1_j2koz0z wrote

I've known a decent number off people who have left orders for similar reasons. You'd think the highers-up would be more understanding; just like you can be called to an order, you can be called away. Some of them seem to be, but most seem apparently hostile. (It's fair to demand some reflection and time to make the choice, but accept the choice made.)


beyondqueens t1_j2kozdp wrote

Gives me hope for my terrible love life… if Lisa can pull in a habit, then surely anything is possible.


Singularitysong t1_j2l4oq4 wrote

They seem like a lovely couple. This made me smile and im happy for them.


Ma3vis t1_j2l6qpl wrote

I think it's cause Nuns are often depicted as "brides of Christ" married to either Jesus or the church (which I think is a popularized myth). Apparently it’s a metaphor meant to better understand their commitments to Chasity, which works for some people, but it’s not something that is literal or universally embraced. So to give that up is like you're divorcing Christ himself probably to some folks out there.

I understand people taking a vow of celibacy but I also feel like to devote yourself entirely to it is in rejection of the biblical message of Adam and Eve, God's message to be fruitful and multiply, and so on. That said, even for asexual people of faith there's always the option to adopt and be stewards that way, so I see no outright harm in such. Just that certain institutions are unfortunately misleading their own clergy.


Realistic-Plant3957 t1_j2l6ul1 wrote

Sister Mary Elizabeth had lived a devout, austere and mostly silent life as a nun, spending most of her days in her Carmelite cell in northern England.

Lisa would make her own way to one of the Roman Catholic churches in her home town and sit alone in the second pew - where she says she developed an overwhelming love for the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, and ultimately a feeling she had a vocation.

But, that day in the convent parlour, it all changed with the touch of a sleeve and a message asking if she would walk away from monastic life and get married.

"I didn't know what it feels like to be in love and I thought the sisters could see it in my face.

But he says the order taught him how to embrace darkness, difficulties and crisis to the point where he felt settled.

And I didn't feel any different about God, and that was reassuring to me," says Lisa.


nitrohigito t1_j2ljr5v wrote

It's interesting the gymnastics the mind is capable of.


Vprbite t1_j2lwk2j wrote

My mother left the convent to marry my father. He knew her in high school but she always said she would become a nun. He said he loved her and would wait for her to change her mind. So, he did. And she did. They stayed in touch while he was at West Point and she was in the convent. Finally, on her very last day before she became a full fledged nun, she left and married my dad. Still married some 54 years later


Glytterain t1_j2lyg5z wrote

What a sweet and beautiful story and couple.


Victor-Magnus t1_j2m1tdo wrote

I believe what he’s getting at is that if you’re obligated to love, that’s not real love, and that while adults can survive and be relatively healthy functioning humans without love, children when deprived of a loving environment develop serious sociological and psychological issues.

Love is not something you earn, you can’t make someone love you because you do more chores or say nice things. If you just earn love like a job by hard work or by anything else, then theoretically if you just worked harder, were just a little more attractive, did the dishes a little more, you could make anyone love you. Children, and more so babies, are unable to earn anything. Love isn’t something that you can earn like money, and the fact that you can’t expect it from someone or deserve it because of how many medals you’ve won for being the best at football makes it more valuable because someone else must give it willingly.

Mind you, acts of kindness can be vehicles of demonstrating love, kindness isn’t love itself. You can treat someone kindly and not be doing so out of love in the same way customer service can be polite and helpful but not really give a care about you.


Zehaie t1_j2m6b7l wrote

Human Adults don't deserve love, it's very much ideal and possibly may even give health benefits when feeling loved, love is given to you regardless of consent, what I'm basically getting at is love is earned but still isn't deserved even if fought for, died for, etc .Adults cannot die from lack of love or too much love but children may actually be highly influenced by the love they feel and will directly effect their growth mentally, yes in a perfect world every one deserves love, I agree with you.


Calligraphee t1_j2m8n1k wrote

My best friend's parents were in the seminary/convent when they met at a silent retreat. After a few weeks of writing letters to one another, they both left their vocations.


arkofjoy t1_j2mncjc wrote

Don't forget that the whole chastity came in to prevent senior priests from claiming church lands for children.

The whole "teachings of Jesus being used to amass power and wealth" has some problems that they certainly didn't learn from the Carpenters son.


parsifal t1_j2mrh0u wrote

‘I just couldn’t leave it alone, really.’ — both of them


cobaltaureus t1_j2mwfmc wrote

Thanks for the uplifting news, this made me smile.


Initial_E t1_j2mwjxm wrote

Even the apostle Paul knew, the celibate life isn’t for everyone. He didn’t mean it as a challenge to people to prove their holiness. Yet here we are.


swarmy1 t1_j2myoxl wrote

I think the issue is "deserve" implies a sense of entitlement. Similar to the entitlement that some men feel about relationships with women.

If someone is an asshole to everyone around them, then no one is obligated to love them.


pragmaticutopian t1_j2myt0d wrote

Until 1200s, Catholic clergy was allowed to marry. This changed after the Augustinian philosophy that saw Sex as an inevitable sin.

Eastern Churches, however, preserved their tradition and still allows priests and nuns to get married, either each other or to lay people.

I think celibacy must be a choice for people who wish to take that as a vow, not a criteria in becoming a priest/nun and serving God


daffodilily t1_j2n3azu wrote

What a lovely story! Truly made my day :)


Sonyguyus t1_j2n6kte wrote

“All that pent up energy for thirty-five years, just wantin' and wantin' and wantin', WHOO! Blow yo head off!


MoveAhead-HopAlong t1_j2n6xc5 wrote

One downside to allowing priests to marry would be the financial burden. It would double (at least) their overhead and require parishes to put up the money for their wife and kids. It’s not a simple switch you can flip, and many (maybe most) parishes would not be able to afford married priests.


lrpfftt t1_j2n79v4 wrote

Sounds more to me like someone who never fell for religious nonsense in the first place.

It's good that this couple found one another and had a real life instead of the "cult" they belonged to before.


Notbob1234 t1_j2n7glt wrote

Adults can die and be mentally scarred for lack of love. The countless stories of mental decline after losing a spouse late in life, suicide, depression, and of course degradation of lonely men into being incels. Love is an important factor no matter what age you are.

Everyone deserves some amount of love. Perhaps not romantic love, but compassion, empathy, friendship, understanding, these are all forms of love that can be given.


KellyJin17 t1_j2n82tc wrote

Huh. I was just at a NYE dinner where I sat next to a woman who’s parents were a nun and a priest that fell in love with each other and got married.


otravez5150 t1_j2napox wrote

Love and family trumps makebelieve gods


believethescience t1_j2ne36s wrote

Naw, it's because the organization will be losing the funds created by the individual, and has (in many cases) invested in the person (such as sending to higher Ed). Also means fewer people in a shrinking organization. Add that to the religious complex that women aren't supposed to want romantic or intimate partners and they often are not kind to those who wish to leave.


LucianHodoboc t1_j2nhk50 wrote

>Eastern Churches, however, preserved their tradition and still allows priests and nuns to get married, either each other or to lay people.

That is incorrect. For priests, they are allowed to marry before ordination, but not after. Those who opt for married life must marry before becoming priests, deacons (with a few exceptions), and, in some strict traditions, subdeacons. As far as monastic life is concerned, both men and women who had previously been married and are widowers/widows are allowed to become monks and nuns, but they have to remain unmarried.


Douchebazooka t1_j2nkrgm wrote

Because the definitions of hostile include "antagonistic," "not friendly," and "showing a desire to thwart." It's literally right there for everyone to read, unless you're cherry-picking your definition of hostile to only include outright attacks rather than disposition.


Douchebazooka t1_j2nmvqs wrote

>Almost like the whole concept is flawed and full of contradictions. And people use whatever part they need to fit the point, they're trying to make

Perhaps you can tell me how the above is friendly to someone's religious beliefs instead, because if you can't find the hostility in that comment, I honestly have no idea how we're going to find reasonable common ground here


pragmaticutopian t1_j2nn8yf wrote

Syriac Jacobite Church, Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church in India both allows their priests to get married even after ordination. Both follow Eastern Liturgy and has roots in the East. However, there is a catch; married ones are often not allowed to becomes Bishops or head the Church. Often their service is limited to Parish ministry and managing other day to day activities.

wedding Photo of an acquaintance of mine, who belongs to Syrian Jacobite Church in India. They pledge allegiance to Patriarch of Antioch Ignatius II

Again, this too have exceptions: For instance, Believers Eastern Church , which claims episcopal origin and Orthodox roots (though I personally consider them as a protestant imitation of Eastern liturgy), have a head Metropolitan who is married Metropolitan of BEC


lirannl t1_j2nnd59 wrote

From an outsider's perspective (atheist), it seems that vows are swears (and by that I mean "I swear to uphold xyz", not "fuck"), so you would never ever be allowed to break them, theologically speaking? Is that not the point of a vow (if not, what is the point of a vow?)


Douchebazooka t1_j2nnjfm wrote

You're either being intentionally dense or playing coy. I'm not sure which. Claiming something is a flaw while arguing a straw man is not genuinely pointing out flaws. It's the underlying supposition and approach that is hostile.


notnotaginger t1_j2nox26 wrote

Sounds like your hostile towards Bible school, by your own definition. Where I am it’s a four year university, and I came out with a BA.

For someone who wants others to follow logical rules of discourse, you’re dismissing mine based on your own prejudices.

If you truly care about logical discourse, you can ALWAYS explain your argument.

And obfuscating when I ask about contradictions says a lot.

You have much higher standards for other then yourself.


Vprbite t1_j2q21l2 wrote

Yeah, she was so happy. She used to talk about it all the time. Unfortunately she has been ravaged by dementia these last few years and had bad aphasia. But it was definitely special for her to meet her hero


TheAngloLithuanian t1_j2r49pp wrote

I see nothing wrong here as a Christian. If regular people can get married and go to heaven, why can't monks and nuns?

They are clearly still much more devoted to God then the average family and God never said anything along the words of "Don't leave living in isolation or else", so literally nothing in the bible is broken by them being together.

In fact, I have a feeling a happy ending like this is exactly what God would like seeing.


arkofjoy t1_j2rumtr wrote

That is true, but I thought part of the purpose of the break with the Catholic church was to remove the power of the church over the government. So if they were still large landholders, they would still have a lot of power.

But it seems that I remember my of my English history wrongly.