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RavenDarkholme084 t1_j33nk0w wrote

Facts^^^ I work in the icu and people who usually have a heart attack out in the field have such low chance of coming out of it intact. I’ve seen it so many times where they end up in our icu and yes they resuscitate them on the way but it’s too late… as an, there has been extensive brain damage due to not getting blood flow to the brain

That is why high quality cpr as soon as the heart stops and early defibrillation (if it’s a shockable rhythm) is important. The whole goal of cpr is to move blood that has oxygen to all the tissues (brain is the most important one). Kidneys may fail and have an acute injury but can make a relatively good recovery. Not the brain though. It’s good all was done within a timely manner


Emotional-Text7904 t1_j34390d wrote

Yeah, and a lot of people don't actually know how rarely CPR actually works. It's always worth it to try but sometimes like only 3% or some crazy low number are actually able to be resuscitated after needing CPR. But imo you always need to try and do your best and keep that hope


RavenDarkholme084 t1_j35z81v wrote

A lot of family members at the hospital are also shocked when I tell them doing CPR involves breaking the ribs but after I explain to them that the whole point of cpr is to pump blood through, and our heart is like a sponge and we need to get to that sponge to squeeze , reabsorb more blood, and squeeze again, just to move things through, they finally get it.