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whatatwit OP t1_j37s9f7 wrote

Ha ha! Long may the bees continue their reign. They've been here a long, long time.

Meanwhile, it's possible that jellyfish and other blobby things that won't be dissolved by the acidity will inherit the oceans.

> ''The exploding jellyfish population has disrupted everything from the fish sourced in the Bering Sea for McDonald's Filet-O-Fish to the beluga caviar industry.

> ''I could point to more than 400 other big examples around the world where they've wiped this out, they've taken over that, they've squeezed that out, they've closed that industry. It's just astonishing at how well they're doing in disturbed ecosystems."

> Gershwin says her book Stung! was described by one critic as a "second Silent Spring" in reference to Rachel Carson's influential 1962 book that warned the world how pesticides were affecting the environment. As with Carson's warning, people seem unaware about what is happening to our oceans.

> That's the thing. I talk to so many people, including really smart scientists who, I think culturally, just don't think past the damage. We think, eww, climate change, that sounds bad, sea level rise, but we don't think about who inherits those damaged ecosystems.

(BTW yes, Lisa Gershwin is a relative of George Gerschwin)