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palpablescalpel t1_j3a765l wrote

Is this anything like the last one, which is wildly expensive and no insurance company will cover it because it wasn't proven to be effective?

Read the article:

>It has shown “potential” as an Alzheimer’s disease treatment by appearing to slow progression, according to Phase 3 trial results, but it has raised safety concerns due to its association with certain serious adverse events, including brain swelling and bleeding.

>If (continued) trials confirm that the drug provides a clinical benefit, the FDA could grant traditional approval. But if the confirmatory trial does not show benefit, the FDA has the regulatory procedures that could lead to taking the drug off the market.

Sounds like it just showed potential for removing amyloid plaques, which are still not firmly shown to be the primary cause of the cognitive decline.

About 14% serious adverse effect rate vs 11% in placebo. The brain issues had notably higher frequency

>in people who had a gene called APOE4, which can raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias.

Which stinks (and is poorly written. The gene is APOE and APOE4 is just one variety of APOE).