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ProfessorEcstatic267 t1_j4dgooj wrote

A wild animal born in captivity so you can show your drooling kids isn't uplifting, it's horrible.


citytiger OP t1_j4dqyzv wrote

are you aware these animals would not know how to survive in the wild? Plus the Omaha zoo is considered one of the best in US.

The zoo says this birth is an indication the Species Survival Plan is working.


petershrimp t1_j4dvrzn wrote

I've heard the Omaha Zoo is supposed to be the best zoo on the planet.


citytiger OP t1_j4dw1nt wrote

I haven't heard that. I want to visit it someday.


Lyrikan t1_j4e59uo wrote

I grew up in Omaha and visited it often. Definitely plan an entire day from sun up to sun down it's so massive in scale.


petershrimp t1_j4dyr3g wrote

Me too. I'm about to move to Kansas City, which is about a 3 hour drive from there, so I plan to visit at least once every year or two.


taescience t1_j4hgjy4 wrote

It's frequently ranked in the top 3.

Edit: like everything, it matters who's doing the ranking


petershrimp t1_j4dvmdm wrote

"Hurr durr zoos bad, upvotes to the left"

Go back to PETA.


ProfessorEcstatic267 t1_j4dw3ul wrote

So zoo's are good, your saying? Good argument. Well thought out. Buy your kids a balloon and wipe the drool off their faces.


citytiger OP t1_j4dyzgt wrote

Are you are aware many zoos are actively involved in conservation and plans to help endangered species? Zoo's aren't just for entertainment.


Certain_Chain t1_j4dx7mm wrote

It IS a good argument. When's the last time you even went to a zoo? They do a fantastic job of caring for the well-being of their animals; this isn't the fucking Bronx Zoo from the 1930s. They don't just stick a gorilla in an 8×10 cell with a tire swing anymore; they take very good care to provide realistic replicas of their natural habitats complete with various items for enrichment.


izzo34 t1_j4eoz2u wrote

For fucks sake. Don't you remember the rule? Never go full R


ProfessorEcstatic267 t1_j4dz144 wrote

Not being free is being imprisoned. Easy to do when the animal can't directly tell you how much it sucks. You know, but justify anyway. I don't go to zoo's. I'd rather visit the prison system


Certain_Chain t1_j4ed7h8 wrote


They. Are. Animals. They don't value freedom like humans do, and they don't miss the wild because a vast majority of them have never BEEN to the wild. Almost all animals in zoos today were born there; it's the only existence they know. Maybe if you actually did go to zoos, you'd realize that they're not suffering.