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IntroductionLazy2985 t1_j4qr365 wrote

It comes with age you Begin to respect life even more and cherish every day. He did a great deed by giving Life in so many ways.


aeon_ducks t1_j4s1nc5 wrote

Honestly in this case I don't even think it was about his age. Reaaally imagine what this dad went through before his daughter got the kidney. To see your kid wither away forced to go through dialysis( which I've heard is pretty fucking awful) day after day, then the relief when they finally got better. If I was in his shoes I can imagine I'd want to do the same for someone else going through something so horrible, and let their family get that same relief mine got to enjoy.


leelee1976 t1_j4sdq4j wrote

My aunt is on dialysis. I see her monthly for lunch. She loses between 9 and 25 pounds a month now. Her Dr is very concerned.

This woman was a force of nature, and now is so weak and frail compared. She's still a force of nature mentally.


justwant_tobepretty t1_j4r4z94 wrote

Voting habits say otherwise.


Sasquatchjc45 t1_j4rcbw8 wrote

No it's true, it's just that they value their own lives and nobody else's.


OuidOuigi t1_j4reiuk wrote

Ahh yeah average redditor stereotyping. Do you get paid for the division? And I shouldn't have to say I'm not a republican just tired of children who want to divide people with common goals.


justwant_tobepretty t1_j4rg7eu wrote

I get paid in cash, catgirls, femboys and right wing tears. I'm so glad to have come across a 'not a Republican' though! Please do tell, which of your views aren't right wing? Maybe we have something in common? Like a self sufficient, armed and independent local community?