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LanaDelHeeey t1_j4r3hjl wrote

Its like in a point and click game where to get the sword you need to trade for a ruby which you need to trade for a necklace which you trade for a locket which you trade for a notebook which you trade for a hammer which you trade for a broom which you trade for a cool looking rock you found except it starts with an organ and ends with an organ.


neonchasms t1_j4r6jak wrote

>except it starts with an organ and ends with an organ.

Sounds like a great time


Snoo63 t1_j4skwye wrote

Or starting off with a paperclip and ending up with a house?


GodEmperorBrian t1_j4tbaw7 wrote

I wonder how many people on Reddit actually understand that reference at this point.


Twindude1 t1_j4swyo7 wrote

The goron need his eyedrops to make the sword