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kookiemaster t1_j4vb0er wrote

I view it as buying ther person time. Pretty much any organ eventually gets rejected but a decade or two is something.

You can also donate post mortem or bone marrow. Still on the registry for that but I think I am getting too old for that.

And even people who get assessed and cannot donate are to be comended. They were willing to do it but couldn't for whatever reason. Can be as uncontrollable as the anatomy of your kidneys (number of arteries, synetry, etc).


cyberFluke t1_j4vhyqh wrote

Here in the UK, we have an opt-in (except on a new driving licence application, defaults in unless you tick a box IIRC) organ donor registry which will use any bits I'm willing to donate (the lot, if it's of any use to anyone. What do I need it for? I'm dead at this point 😂).

It does require me to either die close enough to a hospital, or die in such a way that my meatbag can be kept on support until they can strip it for parts though. A dead human doesn't stay viable as parts for very long, and our NHS is collapsing before our very eyes (as is intended by the vile vultures in power, but that's another story entirely...)


kookiemaster t1_j4vv43p wrote

I also registered to donate my body to science (with a university in my city) so of organ donation doesn't pan out I can help train doctors. I think they would still take my body sans the one kidney I gave, but not with the full post mortem donation (won't be much left to use XD).