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cocaineandwaffles1 t1_j5s4bx8 wrote

Bro get that rating. My knees hurt after just a short and easy run (2-3 miles at maybe a 9 minute pace). My stomach will randomly decide to just immediately shit out what I eat. And my shoulder hurts after just turning a screw driver a few times. I’m still young, I’m still fit, not overweight, but I still have these issues. These issues will be a factor I have to consider when I get out, go to school, and even after I get my degree and work the job I want. So you got me fucked up if you expect me to not go after the proper rating I deserve for these issues the military gave me, and you should feel the same way for yourself. I understand the reservations you’re having because you have friends who have their injuries from being deployed, but get that rating. Use that money to open a savings account for your kids or nieces or nephews. Use it to make monthly donations to charities that actually help vets. Fuck toss it to homeless that claim to be veterans. You don’t have to spend that money on yourself and you’re not taking any money from anyone else who has a VA disability rating.