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pdxschroeder t1_j5sircs wrote

It was clearly bought as an investment, and for what the previous owners were asking ($1.65 million) I am totally fine with that. As long as the neighbors are cool with whatever happens next and everyone acts like adults then I’m sure…what’s that…oh god…


WatchmanVimes t1_j5sl65n wrote

Well, last guy that had it were as bad as the "Goonies not welcome" neighbor. Went to see it a few years back, Trump flags, stay away, no tresspassing.


Galkura t1_j5tkgo4 wrote

To be fair, in terms of the no trespassing signs, it says they went up after the 30th anniversary brought 1500+ visitors PER DAY to the neighborhood.

I think anyone should understand that’s reasonable to close your house off to, and it likely had a lot more going on than just people coming by to take pictures.

I definitely think their political views were garbage, but let’s not pretend it’s an extremely entitled way of thinking to believe it’s shitty to close your personal home off to the public.


JessumB t1_j5twhne wrote

That's a small street and an even smaller driveway up the house, I can't imagine a couple dozen people trying to pack it in, let alone hundreds and then the people that live around there, many of whom have been there for a long time having to deal with all the crowds and people showing up at all hours, yes, all hours of the day and night.

I think too many forget that its an actual real neighborhood with people trying to go about their day to day lives and not some movie set.


BarbequedYeti t1_j5tzq6e wrote

> I think too many forget that its an actual real neighborhood with people trying to go about their day to day lives and not some movie set.

Exactly.. The guy that bought it doesnt even seem to live there, so he wont have to deal with the day to day issues. 1500 people a day through that neighborhood. 1500... Holy shit. Thats like a small amusement park at that point. I cant even imagine how long it would take you to get back to your house if you had to run out to get something.

I cant recall if it was this house or the breaking bad house. There was a story not long ago that the owner had to keep repairing their roof because people kept throwing pizzas on it. Anyone thinking the 'public' is going to respect those neighbors houses is delusional. People meet their death every year doing stupid shit for a photo and internet points. This will continue to be a shit show for the other neighbors.


TylerBourbon t1_j5u3bra wrote

>I cant recall if it was this house or the breaking bad house. There was a story not long ago that the owner had to keep repairing their roof because people kept throwing pizzas on it.

That was the Breaking Bad house.


chookatee2019 t1_j5u7n28 wrote

I'd set up a pop up tent at the bottom and have people form a line. Then charge admission. Even if i didn't live there :)


DanitesHell t1_j5xet93 wrote

I’d imagine the city could and probably would shut that down pretty quickly if it causes traffic or they received complaints. Unless the property is zoned as commercial, which i doubt it is.


mopsyd t1_j5uca4a wrote

Don’t but a movie house if you don’t want to deal with movie house stuff. This is like buying the cheap house next to the airport and then complaining about noise. You knew what you were getting into.


Galkura t1_j5v2i2w wrote


You can expect people to come by and take pictures and see stuff. You might even expect the occasional trespass.

But people don’t expect the sheer amount of difference and the sheer number of people who will come and fuck with your house.

Like, 1500 people coming by a day? No one is going to expect that, even with a movie house.

Take the BB house for example. People were somewhat okay with the pictures and stuff at first. Then people started throwing the pizzas. You can expect and be okay with one thing, but people taking it too far will ruin it.

People aren’t entitled to fuck with a house just because the house was in a show or movie that they liked.


mopsyd t1_j5v4md6 wrote

They are not entitled to but they are going to. Fandoms do crazy stuff, and if you are even tangentially connected then you are subject to it. If you take it in stride, it can actually be a pretty beneficial annoyance. If you push back they will make your life awful, but they are going to show up either way.


myitredditacc t1_j5ssixu wrote

Makes me think of the dip shits that bought the Breaking Bad House.


Fish_bob t1_j5tgz7c wrote

To be fair they had owned the house for years before allowing filming there and becoming the BB house. Agreed they’re dipshits though by not accepting reality and huge wasted monetizing opportunity.


MrVeazey t1_j5tnv8b wrote

They could be getting so much free pizza down off the roof.


Cultural_Ad_1693 t1_j5tzgkn wrote

Seriously $25 to throw a red baron pizza on the roof with a pic or video of you doing it. Then have someone run on the roof to grab it so more can be thrown. Easy af money AND FREE PIZZA


DanitesHell t1_j5u0hwn wrote

only dipshits in that story are the people showing up to the house to toss pizzas on the roof.. not the lady who has to clean up their mess


GoodOlSpence t1_j5ue3rd wrote

>dip shits

The nerve of those people owning a house and living in it all while expecting people not to vandalize their home.


DanitesHell t1_j5toeyg wrote

article said they had 1500 visitors a day. I’d tell them to fuck off too


toughtacos t1_j5t82h6 wrote

For those geoblocked and don’t want to load the VPN up. Images at the bottom.

New 'Goonies' house owner's neighbor hangs banner telling movie fans to stay away

One neighbor's banner reads, "Goonies not welcome." The new owner's banner says they are. And a third neighbor's banner calls the first neighbor "Karen."

Neighborhood drama over 'Goonies' house visitors

ASTORIA, Ore. — The reaction to Behman Zakeri purchasing the iconic Astoria house from the beloved 1985 film, "The Goonies," has been overwhelmingly positive, especially as the new owner of the 126-year-old house has made it clear he's thrilled to welcome fans of the movie who want to see the home.

Zakeri, a Kansas City entrepreneur who bought the home on the Oregon coast in December 2022 for $1.65 million, is a huge fan of the movie. He said he's seen it more than 100 times. Buying the house was a dream come true for him.

"Somebody had to buy it, preserve it, keep it so that Goonies can continue to come visit it," he said.

One person, though, is clearly unhappy about that, and they've plastered their displeasure all over the front of their house.

A neighbor who lives two houses down from the Goonies house hung a large banner on their house that reads, "GOONIES NOT WELCOME," in response to the large amount of traffic it attracts to the small private neighborhood.

That's in stark contrast to the open-arms approach of Zakeri. He placed a banner on the house in response that reads, "HEY YOU GUYS! GOONIES WELCOME!"

The neighborly spat didn't end with those two, though. A friend of the new owner who bought the house between the Goonies house and the other neighbor's house also hung a huge banner from their home. That one has a huge black arrow pointing to the "Goonies not welcome" neighbor's home that reads, "iGNORE KAREN."

"Karen" is a slang term used to describe someone who acts entitled or makes unreasonable demands. Whether that description applies to the neighbor or not is up for personal interpretation.

In 2015, the 30th anniversary of the film brought as many as 1,500 visitors a day to the house, leading the home's previous owner to temporarily cover the house in tarps and post "no trespassing" signs. She later reopened the home to the public.

Zakeri said while he openly welcomes fans of the movie, he hopes those who visit respect the neighborhood.

"Let's not go in the neighbors' yards. Let's not mess with their stuff," he said. "If they want to come take selfies, if they want to geocache or whatever and say, 'I was at the Goonies house,' and do the truffle shuffle, then go right ahead. Just be respectful, just like anything else."


whatevers1234 t1_j5u6tch wrote

Thing is the last guy had an actual professional street sign welcoming people. Just letting them know they could walk up but be respectful. He had it open to people forever. I went there to visit quite a few time. Even talked to him while he was washing his car one time. Nice dude.

But then hoards of people decended on the place during it’s 30th anniversary. And I’m sure it wasn’t just him who was sick of the traffic and crazyness on their small dead end street.

This new dude may want to welcome people. But if he ain’t living there then at the end of the day it’s really up to the neighbors. It’s a super small area with a ton of packed in homes and no place to really park. Then when you walk up you are also invading the driveway of 2 other homes. I actually completely understand the neighbors perspective.

Also this guy bought this as an investment from Kansas at the height of the market. I doubt he has this home long. When I went out a decade ago Data’s house was for sale for 150k. I myself had an offer in for a Queen Anne Victorian downtown right before covid for 500k

The Goonies house will always go for a tad more but Astoria right now is crazy expensive compared to previous years. The combination of the Covid house spike and the influx of Portlanders looking for the next cute place to destroy and a massive influx of breweries has really shot home prices through the roof for an area that is actually pretty deflated economically. I love Astoria and I want to see it thrive but I have no doubt prices there will drop hard in coming years. It’s just unsustainable for how it’s built.

Goonies and Short Circuit (someone just bought that house too and rehabbed it back to movie form) and Kindergarten Cop are all awesome. But if you gonna own a home in Astoria imo you wanna get one of the historic Victorians over a run of the mill home that isn’t even “in town.” I wish this guy the best but I have a hard time rooting for a dude from Kansas who may have never even visited Astoria buying a home as an “investment.” With no plans of living there himself while allowing a massive influx of headache for neighbors.


Dovah907 t1_j5uxn51 wrote

Yeah I’ve been to the house before and the way the surrounding neighborhood is structured makes it a pain in the ass to visit, can’t imagine living there. You’re better off just going to the film museum.


sashslingingslasher t1_j5tz4zt wrote

He said it was an investment, but also said he can't legally use it for commercial use


Raam57 t1_j5sntfi wrote

I just don’t see this as a solid long term investment. I mean the movie is nearly 40 years old and I doubt the fan base is growing. It came out l a decade and a half before I was born and I’ve never seen it and I can’t imagine many younger than myself have either.


WeirdSeaworthiness67 t1_j5tdoo3 wrote

You make a point, but your age doesn’t dictate how the world remembers and enjoys movies. They outlast us.


UncookedMarsupial t1_j5tisv1 wrote

I lived in Astoria for a while. The Goonies love is still very much alive. Goonies weekend brings a lot of tourism to the small city.


BewilderedOstrich t1_j5tm10t wrote

Ding ding ding. I promise if an absolute no where town like Rockford can remain relevant all these years purely because Cheap Trick came from there, I can guarentee Astoria hasn't been forgotten.


UncookedMarsupial t1_j5uu52k wrote

I worked in restaurants in Astoria and it was awful. Until the summer there is barely enough work to go around. As soon as tourist season hits you can't find enough workers.

I have PTSD from Goonies weekends.


tkrynsky t1_j5ttk73 wrote

Was just there last summer. Swung by the Goonies museum too, it was pretty fun.


Vlvthamr t1_j5tqezj wrote

My kids are teenagers and they’ve seen it many times. Just because you’ve never seen it doesn’t mean others your age or younger haven’t.


littlebluedot42 t1_j5u2uph wrote

Seriously. The logical fallacy is nothing compared to the confident ignorance in that sentence alone. That's gonna bite them hard in the ass, one of these days.


Raam57 t1_j5vijcg wrote

Please see my other response to another user. I’ve listened to Elvis music before that doesn’t mean I’m gonna spend money on things associated with him and the decline in impersonators clearly shows a decline in his fan base as time goes on. The house clearly was bought as an investment and questioning the long term sustainability of the fan base for a nearly 40 year old movie as the basis of an investment is a fair point


Duganz t1_j5tghtv wrote

Your lack of imagination doesn’t matter.


DanitesHell t1_j5tott9 wrote

if they only attracted millennials for 50 years it would still have plenty of business opportunities.

We’re the biggest generation in American history, plenty of chances to make a buck or two off them.

Plus at end of day it’s still a home which you can use to live in. Sounds like buyer is a massive fan so he probably enjoys owning it whether or not he continues to get visitors.


Raam57 t1_j5vr2cl wrote

As I’ve commented to others look at the declining fan base of Elvis over the last 20 years. Even better look at the state of the House of Cash while Johnny Cash was still alive. The article implies the premium is due to its association with the movie. It doesn’t mention how much the premium is compared to other nearby houses. That said a huge difference exist between paying a premium for something because you want it and paying a premium because you intend to make money on it.

There is a huge difference between criticizing a investment versus hoping it fails. I don’t think criticizing an investment is a bad thing. I don’t deny the size of millennials but I question if enough will actually be willing to spend money on it to justify the purchase. I mean if they rent out the house at the AVG Airbnb rate of $137 a night, manage to be booked every single night and have zero operating expenses it’ll still take over 30 years to just recoup what they paid.

As an investment I just don’t see this being worth it when you’d have better ways to invest your money over the same time period. This is also an investment against the clock since as time passes it’ll become just another house in an old movie.


DanitesHell t1_j5vwuyr wrote

Clearly this isn’t an investment for max profit.

He a huge fan of the movie, i don’t think it’s weird he purchased it at all .

air bnb comparison makes zero sense. why would they rent it at the average price?


rmprice222 t1_j5tnymr wrote

Well it is still a very large house, real estate is solid to invest in regardless


littlebluedot42 t1_j5u39gp wrote

To be fair, sound real estate investments are, well, sound. 🤷🏼‍♂️

If you'd disagree, I do happen to know at least one realtor who'd like to chat on the coast of Florida...


imahawki t1_j5ufwhd wrote

This is such a weird take. People travel internationally to see the palazzo where Micheal Corleone hid out in Godfather II. My kids are 12-18 and have seen (multiple times) and love The Goonies.


Raam57 t1_j5vhsrg wrote

While I haven’t seen it I’m not sure it’s fair to compare The Goonies and The godfather. Either way your comment is missing the point. The article seem to imply that the premium for the house is in part due to its association with the movie.

I understand people have nostalgia for things but that doesn’t translate into something being a slam dunk investment worthy of the price. A good example of this is would be the decline of Elvis impersonators over the last 20 years. Clearly as time has gone his fan base has decreased. This movie is like Elvis. Just because you’ve heard the music doesn’t mean you’re enough of a fan who is willing to spend money on things associated with it. Everyone who doesn’t think fan bases shrink is in denial.

What people are missing though is that today a lot of content exist for kids to watch. I find it doubtful in the future they’ll be nostalgic over the same thing their parents were. I can’t imagine more relatable shows/movies don’t exist for kids today and the world they live in now than a movie that’s 10-15 years older than their parents


imahawki t1_j5vj50c wrote

Peak Reddit: I haven’t seen it but I’m going to type a three paragraph argument anyway.


Raam57 t1_j5vsnce wrote

Peak Reddit: completely ignores my comments twice about businesses based on nostalgia probably not being a great investment long term because “I love The Goonies”. You’re the one who responded to my comment calling it a “weird take” so I further explained it. If you didn’t want a response why comment?


thunder_struck85 t1_j5to6w6 wrote

Those who do remember it are the ones with enough money now in life to buy it. So in another few years that's who could potentially buy it.

It's a niche product.