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JamesKojiro t1_j64jq8s wrote

Actually biking-centric infrastructure is relatively new. In the 80's they were building Rotterdam to be a car-haven, but if there is one thing the Dutch hate, it's being called German. If there's a second thing they hate, it's dead children.

So, after a few kids got run over they scrapped the car-centric infrastructure for good. Whilst biking-centric infrastructure is only a few decades old, The Netherlands is still eons ahead of the rest.


Yungsleepboat t1_j64o3zg wrote

Also, driving a car in downtown Amsterdam is so, so much better than driving a car in Rotterdam despite their intentions


Reddit-runner t1_j657ry1 wrote

>despite their intentions


getting cars off the streets creates better driving experiences for the cars/drivers remaining on the street.


Yungsleepboat t1_j65ctj5 wrote

I mean despite Rotterdam's intentions. I love using my car in Amsterdam, parking is a bit expensive but traffic is good. In Rotterdam you have many lanes but still end up waiting 5 minutes at a red light.


RisingPhoenix92 t1_j64peay wrote

huh i thought it was their response to the oil crisis and then kept with it