Recent comments in /f/UpliftingNews

wvrnnr t1_jeebnyv wrote

I much rather the concept of taking resources from wild, sustainable animal sources than industrialised domesticated animals (as long as it's humane, which I believe the kangaroo culling is).

it's part of a natural lifecycle rather than a factory line where the poor animals live solely to be a human product. if u love nature, this is the better way.


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WCRugger t1_jee1qlf wrote

Not invasive as they are a native. Issue is the whole boom and bust cycle around breeding. More often boom. During boom years where food is plentiful they breed like well, rabbits. This applies pressure to their food sources which leads to starvation. It's worse is bust years particularly following a boom. Then they start invading paddocks and eating what feed there is reserved for livestock. Even though livestock are an introduced species. They are culled to avoid this and the inevitable starvation among their population that results.

That said there's usually somewhere around 45-50 million of them. So my point is. I don't understand animals rights activists sometimes. As much as they may hate it serves a purpose and if a byproduct can generate a revenue streams all the better.


awesomegamer919 t1_jedyhq4 wrote

Kangaroos are one of few animals that benefitted from colonisation of Australia and live in a pretty heavy boom-bust cycle as they overpopulate until the population is unstable, then crash when a drought comes, if they are hunted during the correct times (when the population is high) then I don’t see the issue with it. Also Roo meat is quite nice, and very healthy.


FaolanG t1_jedcb0z wrote

I saw the documentary about her in high school back in 2004 and it was part of what really kicked me on a path to having a passion against these animals being in captivity.

I hope one day we can be rid of those kinds of places all together. They’re intelligent cohabitants of the planet with us, not toys for entertainment.


FaolanG t1_jedbyg1 wrote

I do agree the practice of taking these animals out of their habitat is abhorrent. I also don’t for one moment think the aquarium did this out of the goodness of their hearts. She wasn’t generating revenue anymore and this is great marketing for them.

To your point, her pod is also much smaller than it was, which in and of itself is terribly sad and a direct result of human presence in the Salish Sea.

For me I hate what she went through, but I’m glad the people who have been trying so hard to get her freed were finally successful and she won’t have to live in those barbaric conditions anymore. She’ll get to be in the PNW and the pacific again.

In my tiny heart of hearts I hope for success from this, that it may open a door to continue release efforts on a larger scale. It’s too soon to know, but that would be quite the victory indeed and I’m glad we are striving for it.


DobieWonKenobi OP t1_jedbf60 wrote

Agreed whole heartedly. I would drive by pretty regularly when I worked in Miami and there have been protestors outside of that facility pretty much every day for years. The implications of this are huge and I’m thankful that she’ll get at least a morsel of freedom before her time on earth is over.


firl t1_jedb717 wrote

I have. I am glad it's in a sea pen.

I don't wish that she was captured.

After 50 years of learned helplessness, polluted oceans, different immune system responses because of it etc.

I am glad you consider it uplifting.

Since she was captured and not "rescued" different rules apply for consideration of reintegration.

She is older too, so part of me is like, this could be considered similar to being put in a home.

I considered it meh news personally, not great not horrid because they are trying to improve by comparison to the last time.

I appreciate your perspective though.