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SparrowAgnew t1_j709yaa wrote

They add new taxes and reddit bitches. They give out tax credits and reddit bitches.

How dare they help the poorest section of society without helping me personally first!?!?


Chinpokomonz t1_j70vqpn wrote

it's more like "they're helping the absolute rock bottom poor without also helping the rest of the poor and struggling"

the goalposts need some adjustments.


SparrowAgnew t1_j711mf3 wrote

And the money to cover that would come from taxes, which reddit would complain about to no end.


Isord t1_j726dry wrote

Because new taxes always end up hurting the poor and middle class instead of targeting the the top income brackets.

Raise taxes on millionaires, not workers.


Effective-Floor400 t1_j80r5w3 wrote

They do tax them…

Taxing millionaires and billionaires does 2 things.

1.) Decreases wages Paid to employees 2.) Increases price of merchandise

And voila, you have inflation.