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Chinpokomonz t1_j70vqpn wrote

it's more like "they're helping the absolute rock bottom poor without also helping the rest of the poor and struggling"

the goalposts need some adjustments.


SparrowAgnew t1_j711mf3 wrote

And the money to cover that would come from taxes, which reddit would complain about to no end.


Isord t1_j726dry wrote

Because new taxes always end up hurting the poor and middle class instead of targeting the the top income brackets.

Raise taxes on millionaires, not workers.


Effective-Floor400 t1_j80r5w3 wrote

They do tax them…

Taxing millionaires and billionaires does 2 things.

1.) Decreases wages Paid to employees 2.) Increases price of merchandise

And voila, you have inflation.