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Chinpokomonz t1_j6xwe0q wrote

income less than 49k as married with one child to qualify? damn. they really outta touch with cost of living right now.


BareLeggedCook t1_j6ys3wt wrote

For fucking real. I don’t qualify but can also barley afford to have a part time sitter. Can’t afford full-time.


oldoldoak t1_j6z38fo wrote

They use federal earned income tax credit as the baseline for this credit. Basically if you are eligible for the EITC you are eligible for the WA tax credit. EITC is meant to help those most in need (and especially those with kids). EITC doesn’t account for the cost of living difference just as our federal tax code generally doesn’t.


Chinpokomonz t1_j6z6wv5 wrote

i understand that, I'm just saying, 49k for a family of 3 is soooooo low.. it's time to raise that up.


curiousfog5 t1_j6zhqc3 wrote

It's a brand new credit, targeted at the working poor. There are several projects to help all workers, such as the family leave system.


Chinpokomonz t1_j6zqevn wrote

yes i understand that, I'm saying they need to refine their idea of poor.


FuckWit_1_Actual t1_j6zl0j1 wrote

Which barred some working class unions in its rolls out. Definitely helped out working class people.


Skips-mamma-llama t1_j70irkb wrote

I was so fucking pissed when I found out my husband wouldn't get any leave for our baby because he had recently changed jobs (no FMLA since he's under 12 months) and his new job is with a union (Yay)..... who is excluded from PFML since they haven't renegotiated for the last 6 or so years (areyoufuckingkiddingme!)


FuckWit_1_Actual t1_j70je8z wrote

I’ve missed out on paternity leave for my two only children I will have because I’m in a barred union but you can bet we’ve been paying into the program since day one.


Stymie999 t1_j6zq5ws wrote

It’s welfare disguised so they don’t have to call it welfare


bakarac t1_j6zaw4c wrote

Is that not near poverty income for 2 people with one dependent??


Chinpokomonz t1_j6zq6w9 wrote

that's way below. i think that comes out to $500 income per week per person or less.


explore509 t1_j71z50i wrote

The state really thinks things through when they create new things...........


CastleGanon t1_j72j6sw wrote

They’ve really gotta stop making legislation just for the 1%


LCDJosh t1_j6zr4hb wrote

Hooray, more tax credits for breeders!


Chinpokomonz t1_j6zr83k wrote

0 dependants is on the list, not you gotta be making absolutely nothing to qualify


multiparousgiraffe t1_j701m99 wrote

Your parents are also “breeders”. Tell me you hate children without telling me you hate children.


Trashjiu-jitsu_1987 t1_j7041aa wrote

I just have this feeling if I check his comments I'm going to find incel material.


[deleted] t1_j703eud wrote



LCDJosh t1_j706oil wrote

Hot take bro, you going to call me a racist Nazi to as is modern tradition?


austnf t1_j6y1ctp wrote

“A single individual with no children making less than $16,480 may receive a $300 credit”

LOL. My ship finally came in!


SCro00 t1_j6y0eog wrote

No middle class relief in sight.


yaba3800 t1_j6y444t wrote

$300, literally useless, while they are trying to pass the start of a mileage tax.


ShawnParksPost t1_j71dktg wrote

Maybe for you. For me, it would definitely make a difference.


happytoparty t1_j6yfrow wrote

Wow, 5.5% of the population in WA gets this credit while 100% of the legislators get to have a “we gave you a tax credit” circle jerk.


davemathews2 t1_j6zejr0 wrote

Where does the money even come from?


Stymie999 t1_j6zqcv7 wrote

While wa state is raising everybody else’s taxes… they are running a $4 billion surplus currently


Forsaken_Care t1_j74g2l8 wrote

Huh. I read recently that Montana is trying to figure out how to give part of their $2 billion dollar surplus back to the taxpayers. Priorities...


IskandrAGogo t1_j6yse81 wrote

Those numbers wouldn't even make up for a month of childcare.


curiousfog5 t1_j6zhzlc wrote

They're intended to refund the sales tax, which is a regressive tax.

Perhaps we should lobby for subsidized childcare or public full day pre-k.


IskandrAGogo t1_j6zrrfz wrote

That may cover sales tax for food but just barely. With the way prices have gone up my family of five went from spending $800 a month to nearly $1000, and I wouldn't be surprised if our food budget has to increase more.

We definitely should be working for subsidized or free childcare/Pre-K. It's insane how much it can cost. Right now I pay $750 a week for my three year old and one year old. That's literally half of my monthly budget.


Classic_Living6204 t1_j70mcjl wrote

I pay $1370 month for full day (8am to 6pm), 5 days a week and the meals are included. But it is Russian speaking group in a house, but they have all licenses and etc…

And this is not the cheapest day care. Check Facebook pages for Russian/Ukrainian kindergartens, there are a lot of them in the area. And some of them also accept English speaking kids, but they will learn how to speak in Russian :-)


IskandrAGogo t1_j71s1a0 wrote

Is that for one child? That's a little more than I'd pay in a month just for my three year old at $333 a week. My one year old is $400 something per week.


PokeyPinecone t1_j7072wf wrote

"Working Families" is my least favorite political phrase. Does it mean that the entire family js working, like in a cottage industry or in The Mines??


ManOfHart t1_j702gcv wrote

10 grand would really help. 1200 is a small bandaid.


Effective-Floor400 t1_ja6por7 wrote

I got $9651 back on taxes and am getting $900 back here. I only made $25,000 last year.. they essentially gave me back an additional $10,000 in income. A 40% boost to my current income. I worked 3 months of the year. Took the rest of the year off. Wanted to spend time with my kids. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


SparrowAgnew t1_j709yaa wrote

They add new taxes and reddit bitches. They give out tax credits and reddit bitches.

How dare they help the poorest section of society without helping me personally first!?!?


Chinpokomonz t1_j70vqpn wrote

it's more like "they're helping the absolute rock bottom poor without also helping the rest of the poor and struggling"

the goalposts need some adjustments.


SparrowAgnew t1_j711mf3 wrote

And the money to cover that would come from taxes, which reddit would complain about to no end.


Isord t1_j726dry wrote

Because new taxes always end up hurting the poor and middle class instead of targeting the the top income brackets.

Raise taxes on millionaires, not workers.


Effective-Floor400 t1_j80r5w3 wrote

They do tax them…

Taxing millionaires and billionaires does 2 things.

1.) Decreases wages Paid to employees 2.) Increases price of merchandise

And voila, you have inflation.


Lanky-Razzmatazz-193 t1_j74ewl3 wrote

This is fantastic for the people that need it... Shame on all the people complaining that they won't get it because they make too much.. Maybe manage your damn money better and quit complaining so much.


IncapableOfLaughing t1_j75ol8l wrote

Just lower state sales tax.

Less overhead, less bloat.


Effective-Floor400 t1_ja6ph22 wrote

No, that effectively helps people who spend more money…. what about us who don’t earn enough to spend any money? Food isn’t taxed. Most of my bills are barely taxed if at all. This credit is to help the lower incomes. Your idea wouldn’t help us at all.


IncapableOfLaughing t1_ja6q0vo wrote

You buy many other items/services that are taxed. Directly and indirectly.

The less complicated the better. Less bloat.


Effective-Floor400 t1_jabyo4z wrote

Yeah, doesn’t apply to me. I live 2 minutes from Oregon. Where there is no sales tax.


Effective-Floor400 t1_j8hkkdi wrote

Any updates on this shit? When I try to track it, says info unavailable. That it could take 2 weeks for my application to show, it’s 2 weeks today and I’ve heard nothing and still can’t track it.


leftoverspaghetti22 t1_j8qgn9b wrote

I get the same message. Filed on the 1st and still no update. Maybe soon eh. 🤞🏼


Creepy-Consequence20 t1_j8zj2lv wrote

Mine was like that too until yesterday. It finally updated and said recieved. I put the application in on the 1st.


Effective-Floor400 t1_ja6p9me wrote

Mine updated on the 15th to Received. A day after I posted this. Still waiting for my money.


ShawnParksPost t1_j8ylf4q wrote

Has anyone heard how long it takes to get the money after you apply?


xbobbybo t1_j9ntxlw wrote

I applied when I did my taxes, it did it automatically. On feb 2 I got an email from the tax service that it was approved but on the refund site it still says “application status not available”

I emailed about it last week and they said to check at the end of next week (so that would be like today or tomorrow) - still nothing.


Effective-Floor400 t1_ja6pbsr wrote

Yeah I was marked as received on the 15th via the tracker on the website and still haven’t gotten anything.


Stymie999 t1_j6zq1hv wrote

So if you are below the poverty level of income and pay no taxes, we send you tax credit!

So basically as with the federal eitc… welfare in disguise.

And as far as having paid taxes in sales tax… if someone is making this little income, very unlikely they are paying as much in sales taxes in a year as this credit provides


Sammy12345671 t1_j6ycay5 wrote

People with no kids can qualify? That’s just stupid. They should rename it.
