Submitted by SkepticalForAReason t3_10symjd in Washington

Is it just me, or have Gorge tickets become outrageously expensive? They've always been a bit expensive of course, its hard to get amenities in the middle of nowhere. But even as a gainfully employed individual, $369 - $600/ticket for general admission for a two day show seems beyond unreasonable. I've found one show this season under this price point for a two day general admission pass. Add in camping/accommodation, gas, food, etc., a two-night trip fast becomes cost prohibitive. Are people spending their entire vacation budgets on two nights?? Am I crazy?



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MGC00992 t1_j74mdqp wrote

I refuse to pay more than $100ish a ticket. My concert days may be over. Fortunately, I have seen most of the bands I like, and the ones I want to see are all dying off, not paying to see some geezer that aught to have retired 30 years ago play. $300 a ticket for Muse, fuck off. I refuse. Love the Gorge, great setting, but it is also 35 miles from anywhere with a hotel. This GenXer says neener neener to Ticketmasters strongarm hold on artists. When the stadiums go empty, the prices will drop.


Stabbymcappleton t1_j74rud8 wrote

Completely agree. It cost me $20 to see The Ramones in 1992. I thought that was pretty steep at the time. Saw the Violent Femmes a few years ago at the Showbox. Tix were about $70 each. Someone offered us $500 for the pair.


ImaginaryCaramel t1_j75dw2c wrote

As a certified young 'un, I always wondered how people in my parents' generation went to so many concerts. Especially during their college days, minimum wage jobs and all. Now I know!


vandercampers t1_j770reh wrote

In 1987 I earned $4.25 an hour as a cook, and went to at least one concert every weekend, The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Thompson Twins, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, Bronski Beat, Depeche Mode, Bauhaus, New Order, so many more. Tickets were 8-15$ for most shows. I sure miss those days


oldirishfart t1_j77f2jf wrote

$20 in 1992 is $42-43 today adjusted for inflation. So yeah, def not $300-$500.


DogsCanSweatToo t1_j781brv wrote

They also weren't paying $20 for a 2-day, multi-act, camping festival at a remote venue. They were paying $20 for a bar show.

The whole comparison is nonsense.


oldirishfart t1_j78ejco wrote

Lol I doubt the Ramones were playing in a bar …

But wait, are you defending today’s concert ticket prices ?


DogsCanSweatToo t1_j78f2qk wrote

You don't think The Ramones played in bars? Most punk bands did. Look up CBGB, man.

And no. Concert prices are ridiculous, but trying to compare a small, city venue ticket price to a multi-day, multi-act festival is also ridiculous and misleading.


kanky1 t1_j75e6kl wrote

That is the problem the stadiums never go empty. I guess we are just poor lol. As long as people continue to pay such prices nothing could be done.


Gwtheyrn t1_j74r9wz wrote

Become? They've been ridiculous for decades.


Stabbymcappleton t1_j76gfax wrote

You couldn’t pay me to attend another gorge show. Gas. $80. Camping? Fuck, who knows? Maybe $100? Tickets for two? $250-500 per person. Bottle of water in 100° heat? $15. Food? Fuck you, bud. Enjoy your drive to Moses Lake and forfeit your tickets and camping spot. Oh, wait enjoy your DUI inspection from WSP and Grant County Sheriff.


CarComprehensive4759 t1_j74qknw wrote

I think you can thank Live Nation for this. They know that it's an exotic venue (if you will) and thats why I believe they charge so much now.


Jamieobda t1_j75gd7w wrote

Pay a little more and you can go to Asia for two weeks.


Reggie4414 t1_j76zsp8 wrote

in the Heat of the Moment that might not be a bad idea


YoseppiTheGrey t1_j77ci7s wrote

Because it's part of the live nation monopoly. Our entire economy will literally be run by industry monopolies soon. Super fun.


meeatch t1_j75lwtj wrote

Everything in Washington state is too expensive now


No_Concentrate9935 t1_j781h18 wrote

We just moved to Jefferson county and it was $83 to register my car, whereas the yr before it was $350+, and my water bill was $50. For two months. Two months!


meeatch t1_j78ea62 wrote

News just said car insurance was going up 200$ a year "on average". If you drink liquor to try and escape this nightmare for a minute, that'll cost ya alot also


Stabbymcappleton t1_j74r6ym wrote

I wouldn’t ever spend more than $50 bucks on a ticket. What these venues are doing is just price gouging. I wouldn’t give a shit who was playing. Fuck that. I’ll download their shit off the Internet. It’ll sound exactly the same, however I get to sit on my own couch and pay $2 for my beer, not $20.


Visual_Collar_8893 t1_j75deir wrote

When you add in all the costs, travelling internationally brings in a lot more value than a two-day concert.


pala4833 t1_j74lcck wrote

Things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. Supply and demand. Caveat emptor.


TheTrueHellian t1_j75beix wrote

You're not crazy. It has become ridiculously expensive for everything!


EtherPhreak t1_j77lfa9 wrote

Any idea how listening from the river is?


TheTrueHellian t1_j77w7zu wrote

Yes, as a child I grew up boating the Columbia and often times we would camp at the sand dunes across the river (Cresent Bar sand dunes). The sound is carried by the river but it's somewhat quiet compared to being in the stands.


Wellcraft19 t1_j75la97 wrote

Crazy expensive, few large promoters, but also bands/artist that nowadays (need to) make their money from shows, as record sales are gone, and streaming doesn’t pay them that much. Forces many out in the road. And as long as people are paying…

Still, I wouldn’t pay more than $100 (tops) for a true act I really wanted to see there (hasn’t been one in years).


101010-trees t1_j75gqvu wrote

I’m glad I saw the Black Angels for $20. Last time I went it was around $40. That was just the one band though.

I could see a venue of several bands for $100-$150 at the Gorge but over $300 is too pricey for me.


LuckytoastSebastian t1_j7678e2 wrote

If its sold out than it doesn't matter. They price what they can get away with. Eat the rich if you want to reduce prices. They will pay if they got the money.