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SLTW3080 t1_j77hthk wrote

Their site can be very quirky. I generally wait a few hours and try again.


SeattleEpochal t1_j77leyj wrote

I sent a note to their Helpdesk when I had a similar problem and it was resolved in a few hours. I think it was a weekday, though.


Shonnathan OP t1_j77ovpv wrote

I figured it out. I was using the wrong username, but it wasn't telling me that it was incorrect, for some reason. Even let me change the password for THAT incorrect username. Weird


Shonnathan OP t1_j77qln1 wrote

It's in their system somehow. When I hit reset password, and enter the incorrect username, it sends me a reset link for it to my email and I go through the normal password reset process. Temporary password, go back to the page, enter that temp password and username on the login page, which then sends me to the page where I enter the temp, new password and confirm new password. Then tells me I've successfully updated my password


mr_bobo t1_j77znsz wrote

When I spoke to them, they said not to remeber the device as it causes issue.

I also recommend calling, thier helpdesk was awesome when I called. Shockingly polite and competent.


VGSchadenfreude t1_j79x8zp wrote

Happened all the time to me. I would just grudgingly enter everything in again, and after about two attempts it would finally let me through.

No idea why their damn login page is always so horribly buggy.

Oh, and the EBT page is even worse! I still haven’t been able to get anyone to help me with password recovery because they just keep referring me back to the same page that refuses to allow me to change my password, rejects all new passwords as “already used earlier” (when they are literally randomly generated and it’s therefore impossible for me to have already used them), and then locks me out permanently.


Shonnathan OP t1_j7cepvu wrote

I figured it out, but it still doesn't make any sense. I was using the auto fill that I had saved, so I figured that must be the right login. Turns out they have a bunch of login names tied to my email? So I figured I would try to make a new one, since apparently it's let me make a bunch of new ones in the past, and went through the create account process and and told me I couldn't because I already have an account tied to that SSN, and gave me THAT username (one I hadn't tried before). So I reset the password for that one and logged in fine.

Weird thing is it let me reset the passwords for two other user names. Makes no sense